I have a test page calendar here on my site: https://www.seabaserowing.org/gce_feed/new-feed-test/
And here is a link to just the Google embedded version (so you can see the multiple day events I am talking about): https://www.seabaserowing.org/calendar/
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
]]>Running Spider Event Calendar 1.4.7 Free version
June is okay – click to July to see error message:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function gregoriantojd() in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/tesli/blog/wp-content/plugins/spider-event-calendar/front_end/frontend_functions.php on line 45”
This message shows up when the month has a recurring event (or an event that spans more than one day. Both in the widget and full calendar (not shown)
I am trialing the free version, but would like to get the full version if this can be fixed.
]]>This very quickly fills up my list of upcoming events. I could list all of the sub-events that occur over the entire weekend, but that would be something like 5 separate events. Since these events are taking place all over the country, my visitors need to be able to scan the upcoming event list and find out what’s coming to their region. This won’t work when two weekend workshops fill the entire sidebar.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
]]>Otherwise, an awesome plugin and works like a charm.
]]>“Month 00, 0000 0:00 pm – 00:00 pm”
And if it is multiple days, it displays like this:
“Month 00, 0000 0:00 pm – Month 00, 0000 00:00 pm”
This makes it appear to run continuously from the start day and time to the end day and time.
I would like it to output like shown below, while still displaying the single day event as it is above:
“Month 00 – 00, 0000 0:00 pm – 00:00 pm”
Can someone help me with this?
[No bumping, thank you.]