How do you add multiple small square images across the header in WP. Theme only lets you upload a favicon and it sits on the left but I want multiple images crossing over to the right across the top of the menu?
Any ideas most welcome. Was thinking along the lines of custom CSS or something that I could add or would I need to mod the header file to lump in the images next to each other?
]]>One thing that would really make me happy:
i can not figure out if its possible to asign different header images for different pages.
Would be helped a lot if it is possible if you pointed me in the right way.
]]>I tried several header plugins, but it seems that none of them supports my idea. Maybe my idea is a bit strange, but … you know … this is how users are
I would love to use Unique Headers since it integrates very smooth and doesn’t come with a load of additional admin effort.
What I’m missing is an option to specify multiple header images for one page. If you consider a page where I’m writing about football and another one about beer, it would be great to specify some images of football clubs and some images of beer brands. On the frontend, the plugin would randomly select one header image out of the corresponding set of images to be actually displayed.
Wouldn’t that be great and give the s in Unique Headers some more sense ?
Kind regards