Liebe Nutzer von exovia GDPR Google Maps,
Wir m?chten exovia GDPR Google Maps erweitern und ben?tigen euer Feedback! Aktuell erm?glicht das Plugin die Erstellung einer einzelnen Karte per Shortcode.
In der Vergangenheit gab es viele Anfragen nach der M?glichkeit, mehrere unterschiedliche Karten anzulegen und individuell einzubinden. Daher m?chten wir wissen, ob weiterhin Interesse an dieser Funktion besteht.
Für die Version 1.1 planen wir, verschiedene Karten über individuelle Shortcode-Attribute abzurufen. Zum Beispiel k?nnte der Shortcode wie folgt aussehen: [exactly-gdpr-map src='URL zur Karte']
Lasst uns wissen, ob euch diese Funktion interessiert und ob ihr weitere Ideen habt!
Vielen Dank für euer Feedback!
Dear users of exovia GDPR Google Maps,
We're looking to expand exovia GDPR Google Maps and we need your feedback! Currently, the plugin allows you to create a single map using shortcodes.
We've received numerous requests in the past for the ability to create and embed multiple different maps individually. Therefore, we'd like to know if there's still interest in this feature.
For version 1.1, we're planning to introduce the capability to retrieve various maps using custom shortcode attributes. For example, the shortcode could look like this: [exactly-gdpr-map src='Map URL']
Let us know if you're interested in this feature and if you have any other ideas!
Thank you for your feedback!
]]>This plugin has worked really well so far, and I was about to buy the pro version for the extra functionality, but then realized it might not have everything I need.
Basically, I want to have two maps (USA and Canada).
The USA map should only show USA based markers. The Canada map should only show Canada based markers.
Since there doesn’t seem any way to associate particular markers with particular maps, is this even possible?
]]>I have two maps (driven by OpenLayers) on one page. The categories are linked to the right maps. There are no parent categories. Both maps have entries in each category. On a first map on the page I can see the filter dropdown menue. On the second map on the same page there is no category filter dropdown menue and all the entries of all the categories are shown on the second map. The maps are embeded with [wpgmza id=”1″] and [wpgmza id=”2″].
Best!, Ready
]]>I just bought the Pro Plugin and created 3 different maps.
when I try to put multiple different maps on one page only the first maps is shown.
Where did I go wrong!?
Regards and thx in advance.
Ilja Pohl
]]>How can I create multiple maps?
]]>echo do_shortcode( '[wpsl_map zoom="10"]' );
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[wpsl auto_locate="false"]' );?>
Is it possible to create more than one map with plotted locations? I need two maps with different plotted locations on each for two separate pages of my site.
Many thanks,
I write travel blogs on different cities/countries. I want to insert a different Google Map with multiple markers (for each attraction of that destination) for each of my article. For example, a map focusing on Mexico for the article on Mexican attractions, another map focusing on Spain for the article on Spain’s attractions.
Is there any free plugin which will allow me to insert multiple Google maps for multiple articles? (Plugins like WP Google Map allow just 1 map with unlimited markers.)