]]>I have a lot of portfolio slideshows on my site. I want to add a new one, but want to set the image sizes for this new one at 375px high. When I export the images from Lightroom with a 375px height, the image quality is compromised. So I want to export them at 750px high, and then use the plugin settings to have them display at 375px high.
1. Is it possible to set an exact image height for just this one slideshow? And will changing this setting via the plugin affect all my existing slideshows as well?
2. What is your recommendation for this issue? I am using the 1.9.1 version of the plugin.
If I posted this in the wrong spot for help I apologize. I’m not a pro and it’s a bit challenging for me to know the best place. Please let me know if there’s a better place for me to post this request for help.
Thanks very much!
Thank you
]]><div id="featured-image" class="grid col-940 fit">
<?php $options = get_option('responsive_theme_options');
// First let's check if image was set
if (!empty($options['featured_content'])) {
echo do_shortcode($options['featured_content']);
// If not display dummy image for preview purposes
} else {
echo '<img class="aligncenter" src="'.get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/images/featured-image.png" width="440" height="250" alt="" />';
Now I would like to have a different slidshow which will appear instead of the general one on specific pages. What is the best way to do this?
Thanks for your help.
]]><?php if ( function_exists( 'meteor_slideshow' ) ) { meteor_slideshow( "fest", "" ); } ?>
‘I am using the Responsive Theme
My site is: The second page is under Extras – my testing area
]]>I have the code in the page multiple times but only the 1st slideshow actually loads on the page…
]]>Also, when I try and insert a show center in the main body the pictures are about 600% larger
SixHours theme
]]>I have two of the same slideshow sitting side by side and I’d like the first to start at slide #1, and the second to start at slide #2. I can do this using exclude=”ID” but in the event that the slide is deleted, using exclude=”ID” becomes irrelevant.
]]>I want to show sponsor logos for a conference (Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3) with 3 distinct slideshows of logos running beneath each title.
Is there some code that I can use that will allow me to place 3 slide shows next to each other in this way? See:
(see how Levels 1 and 2 are currently running vertically one above the other? Not what I want!)
Thanks!!! I am new to WP and not much of a coder!!!