]]>How do I fix this?
]]>I keep getting the following message:
There were some problems while loading your page:
Sorry, we were unable to add this feed. Please try again later.
My site is I have been able to add other feeds just fine, just not mine. Anyone else have this problem?
]]>A newbie here. I wil highly appreciate if anyone can help me on customizing/changing appearance of my theme, PLEASE.
Recently I’ve started my WordPress 2.2 blog using Stardust v1.0 theme.
I like to know, How can I:
1, Change font type & size in “Post” text. I tried to find/change it in “stylesheet” but couldn’t find fonts for “Post” text
2, Change “Italic” to non-italic titles in Sidebar and change name of titles in the Sidebar, like instead of “Meta” somethin else
3, Move “Subscribe” section up from the bottom in the Sidebar and change it with colored icons for Technorati, Feedster, My Yahoo etc.
4, Change the way “Categories” list appears in the Sidebar. Instead of displaying ALL categories, I like to display only selected ones & then put “More..” link to display/get rest of ’em
5, Change color of “Text-1” in the side bar, i.e. text below my email: “[email protected]”
6, Display text/info, when a cursor is placed on a tab-bar/task-bar. Like, you get to see post/page title when a cursor is placed on a tab-bar/side-bar
7, Change to 2.3.1 from 2.2.2 myself or do I have to ask my hosting company for that? Since they have one-click WordPress installation feature..(I’ve installed that way)
“coz I don’t wanna end up loosing all posts/data,
Thanks a million in advance. – TechLuver
]]>I was able to find a plugin for “Add to Google”.. But I was wondering if I can find a plugin or a widget text that I can use to allow more, like Yahoo, Bloglines, etc… Is there anything that will allow a user to post to digg, facebook, MySpace..?
Got any suggestions?
]]>bloglines – No feeds were found. Please verify that the website publishes an RSS feed.
rojo- no feeds found
technorati, my google, google, bogablog all work fine
When I when to the feed url: it asked for a password
When I used feedvalidator, I got the following:
Server returned HTTP Error 401: Authorization Required
HTTP Error Explanation: Your feed couldn’t be validated because there was a problem downloading it from the web server. This usually means that the URL was wrong, or that permissions on the server don’t allow us to fetch that file. The error shows the message that the server sent, which may help.
Feed URL:
Can anyone help? Thanks
I’m wondering, while I sit waisting time, if it’s some problem with my blog/something Word Press folks can see. The URL is
Now I also think there might be a problem with my RSS feed.
– Because lately Feedburner has said I’ve had no circulation.
– I see it in Feedburner, but I don’t have a reader.
– When I tried adding it to My Yahoo! I got the error that the feed URL couldn’t be found.
– Feed Validator said it it’s valid.
– It also said the Feedburner feed is valid, too.
– (Feedburner’s) FeedMedic Reports
“No FeedMedic notices exist for this feed. Apparently, it’s been quite healthy. Well done on your part!”
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. What can I do? Anybody have a clue?