reading and developing is not the problem, but discovering where someone deliberately hid code, perhaps, while that is a “courtesy with love”.. sorry. The Storefront theme has lots of gaps, for example.
Nevertheless, I’ll appreciate.
]]>I have installed the WooCommerce core within WordPress on the local environment. The store app recognizes the admnistrator logged in as a customer of the store.
We intend to test the app by simulating an user interface, following Login/Logout/Register dinamics.
By using Memebers plugin (the User Role Editor) we have that
And the following Users
From another profile in the webbrowser we can access the app and log in as tester2, but we falls on
I would apprecite to be enlighten on the best approach to fix this inconsistency.
Thanks so much for the attention.
]]>I have installed the WooCommerce core within WordPress on my local environment. The store app recognizes the admnistrator logged in as a customer of the store, which is not intended. In fact we need to test the app by simulating a user interface, with Login/Logout/Register sections. I tried out with plugins like User Role Editor but it stills unclear a little bit.. I would apprecite to be enlighten on the best approach to fix this inconsistency.
Thanks so much for the attention.
]]>I have installed the WooCommerce core within WordPress on my local environment. The store app recognizes the admnistrator logged in as a customer of the store, which is not intended. In fact we need to test the app by simulating a user interface, with Login/Logout/Register sections. I tried out with plugins like User Role Editor but it stills unclear a little bit.. I would apprecite to be enlighten on the best approach to fix this inconsistency.
Thanks so much for the attention.
]]>after doing some updates on my site, my two forms for Registration/Login are not displaying anymore.
I created two forms (Registration/Login) with Forminator and just put the two Shortcodes in a blank Elementor page.
I am now trying to edit this page in Elementor, but anytime I do so, the normal my account page is shown, because I am already logged in as an Administrator.
How can I edit this my account page without having the status of an logged in Admin?
Thanks so much for your help!
we can see orders in myadmin
I’m trying to change the color on the icons in the Myaccount page and the link color. Whatever I try it doens’t change anything. Does someone have a tip for me please?
]]>Today I updated the Woocommerce to the version 7.4.1 and noticed that the “My Account” page styling is broken. Previously it was looking like page with sidebar – left navigation and right – text with “Go To Dashboard” button. But now it looks like regular list with bullets (nav) from the top and everything else from the bottom.
I use the Botiga theme and Dokan plugin also.
I’m running into an issue where I get a notice:
“Please, log in to use the wishlist features”
even though I’m logged in.
Also, if I try adding something to my wishlist while not logged in, once I log in, I’m redirected to the account page rather than back to the product, so that means customers have to re-navigate to find that product again.