We have just had all 10 sales since Sunday made with PayPal default to Pending status and hence the tickets have not shown up in the reposts.
Also, I’ve noticed in Payments that they all still say “Active Cart”.
There was an update due, so we just updated to the most recent version and are waiting to see what happens with the next PayPal Payment, but in the meantime wanted to check this doesn’t sound familiar, and could have another cause?
Many thanks,
]]>Then I added tickets to a new event.
Now the receipt link in all of the emails goes to a receipt with no data.
Also, my original receipt (the link that showed up immediately after purchase):
has a different receipt ID AND shows two ticket totals – a $0 total at the top of the receipt, and the actual total at the bottom.
I’m so confused what could have happened to the code to cause this weird bug!
]]>This is how I had the code:
add_filter( 'mt_custom_fields', 'create_custom_fields', 10, 1 );
function create_custom_fields( $array ) {
// Other fields: sanitize callback; input type; input values; display_callback
$array['golf_partners'] = array(
'title'=>"FOR GOLFERS - Golf Parnters:",
'context'=> '2',
$array['game_choice'] = array(
'title'=>"FOR GAMES - Choice of Game",
'input_values'=>array( 'None', 'Bridge', 'Mahjong', 'Canasta' ),
'context'=> '2',
$array['game_partnerss'] = array(
'title'=>"Game Partners:",
'context'=> '2',
2 is what’s listed as ID in My Calendar events.
If I remove the context line entirely or replace the 2 with ‘global’, the fields show up on all tickets pages.
]]>Am I adding the code from https://github.com/joedolson/plugin-extensions/blob/master/my-tickets/custom-fields.php to the existing plugin .php file or installing that file as an extra plugin?
]]>i’m using my own gateway to payments with MyCalendar and MyTickets plugin. Almost everything is fine, my customer can pay with a credit card without any problem. The issue comes after this, I feel that my site www.energiadellum.com doesn’t receive the http notification because of two things:
1- In the “Payments” tab, I don’t see the payment, neither “Pending” nor “Completed”. But in my Bank’s administration site I do.
2- The event stays with the same number of “remaining tickets”.
I have copied and modified the Paypal.php with the parameters of my bank to make them go through another site and when the payment finishes, it returns correctly to the OkURL and to the KoURL when proceeds…
What can I do?
]]>I have just ‘live tested’ issuing a refund for a ticket purchase. I issued the refund directly through Paypal. The purchaser, in this case my partner, only received a notification from Paypal and did not receive the refund notification from the site. Admin is not receiving a notification email but rather a ‘Payments Conditions Error’ notification with contents as below.
from: WordPress <[email protected]>
to: [email protected]
date: 11 June 2016 at 23:37
subject: Payment Conditions ErrorPayPal receiver email did not match account or payment currency did not match payment on 215
[transaction_id] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[price] => -20.00
[currency] => EUR
[email] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com
[first_name] => xxxxx
[last_name] => xxxxx
[fee] => -0.34
[parent] => xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[status] => Refunded
[purchase_id] => 215
[shipping] => Array
[street] =>
[street2] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[country] =>
Am I issuing refunds correctly or is there another way?