The same is true of the ‘do you like this plugin’ message at the top of the dashboard. I click ‘yes’ and then I can’t access any other part of my backend.
This is only happening with your plugin.
I’m running the latest version of WP and Android.
The first photo has random lorem ipsum text on it and the whole set of photos on that page have arrows to navigate through them. Now when you go to the sub pages under that one page (commercial, energy, medical, etc.) the pictures have a big next button that pops up instead of the arrows. I would rather have the arrows but as long as they all show the same I guess I don’t mind.
I know there’s a lightbox tab under catablog options or something but it doesn’t really have that many customization options.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, Thank You.
]]>If you look at like something this category page, you will see the page numbers at the bottom:
However, on this category page (that I changed the graphics on to match), it doesn’t “page”:
If I take page 2 URL from the DIY category and modify it the Tasty Delights category, the other posts show up:
However,it still says only one page on the bottom even though there should be 2-3.
Can anyone help me figure out why it isn’t navigating/paging at the bottom?
Thank you!
[Moderator Note: No bumping. If it’s that urgent, consider hiring someone.]
]]>OOPS – sorry, there’s been a mistake.
Please use the navigation or the search box below to find what you’re looking for
404 error ( file not found )
I don’t get back to the home page.
Any ideas how to correct this?
]]>I’ve installed the jQuery Colorbox plugin in one of my pages, but it doesn’t function as it should.
I’ve created a gallery, and all pictures open in lightbox when clicked, no problems so far.
However, for some reason the images are not linked together, so the navigating arrows do not appear in the colorbox.
I am creating my page offline, so I cannot give you a link. I hope you understand the problem though, and that you can provide some help.
]]>I somehow have managed to instal wordpress on my machine using MAMP, and it generally seems to have worked.
I get a webpage on Localhost in my browser that’s stored on my computer. I’ve used wordpress for blogging and it definitely looks as the normal wordpress site looks, but when I click further on this page i.e the link for the Dashboard, it looks like something is a miss and none of the links work. I shows it in what I can only describe as a really rubbish website format, all fancy boxes, shading, fonts, links just appear in a list but nothing actually works, it looks like lots of blue underlined ‘links’ that aren’t indeed so!
I’m really terribly sorry but I’m an interior designer not a website builder, but the ‘famous 5 minute instal’ gave me some unnecessary confidence that I could perhaps tackle this, not so sure now!
If anyone has the foggiest about any of the above, or even the courage to attempt to explain it to me, I’d be very thankful!
And that’s before I attempt to tackle changing a theme …. Sheesh!!!!!
I want my parent pages (Blog, About, CLAIM, Gardening, Recipes, etc) to display on each page and display the sub (child) pages in drop down under the parent.
Right now, for some reason only Blog, About and Claim display in the correct title section of the page and a bunch of sub pages display on lines underneath imposed over the page/post displayed.
I have the sub pages “assigned” under the parent page.
example of attribute set:
Recipes – [no parent]
Juicing – [Recipes]
Carrot Cake Juice – [Juicing]
Regular but Awesome Food – [Recipes]
Salmon Salad – [Regular but Awesome Food]
But Recipes is not in navigation bar and even the About, which is in the navigation bar, does not have a drop-down for its sub page, Photos.
I’m sure there is some option I do not have selected – please advise – thanks!