1) There is a vertical white line which has been mentioned in other posts in this forum.
2) I chose a background color for the navbar (not the menu itself) that allows me to clearly see the separate menu items. However, in the tablet and mobile size menu, this background color shows through in a very ugly way.
Go to my website, and narrow the browser window to tablet and mobile sizes to see the result.
Please, how do I get rid of these visual artifacts in the tablet and mobile sizes?
Thanks for any assistance you can render!
]]>here is a screen shot of the old non WP version of the site where the menu behavior is what I’d like to have:
and here is a screen shot of what the default WP 2017 theme does:
and here is a screen shot of the current wp dashboard
Is this a configuration thing that I missed or must I get a plugin to accomplish this?
I’m setting up my website with a primary menu across the top of the homepage. Menus include “The Blog” and “Book Reviews.” I’d like to publish posts under each of these menu headers. Ideally, I’d like all the posts to show up on the homepage as well, in chronological order. I have several nested menus under “Book Reviews” pertaining to various genres of books. I’d like to be able to publish posts under a nested menu and also have it show up under “Book Reviews.” For example, if I review a sci-fi novel, I’d like the review to show up both in “Book Reviews” and the nested menu “Science Fiction.” How can I accomplish this? What are the plug ins/workarounds?
]]>On the full site I have created a nice structure to have pages in the main menu fall under sub-menus. However, on the mobile version is is a complete mess with all of these pages appearing in a disorganised way in the main menu.
Any advice on tidying up this or is there such thing as good sub-menu plugin?
As it stands and I am creating Pages make menu categories and putting the actual content page beneath these category pages in the structure.
]]>I’m building a new site and I have nested menus. One of the toggles has 20 choices and runs off the bottom of the page. I’d like to do them side by side like this:
ZZZ1 ZZZ11<<<<Toggle
ZZ10 ZZZ20
I can’t seem to find any documentation on this subject on how to achieve this. Can someone please tell me or point me towards a how to list?
Thank you.
]]>The main navigation, submenus, and sub-submenus work fine, but the third level of submenus (the sub-sub-submenu) is a bit wonky. It appears when hovering over the parent sub-submenu (as expected), but does not go away until one hovers over a new submenu item.
I hope this makes sense. It is much easier to demonstrate than to explain. My question of support is what can I do to prevent this from happening while still allowing a viewer to drill down that far?
Many thanks!
]]>However it seems that the architecture we would like is not as simple as we first thought and we’ve been advised that WordPress itself may not be suitable
Essentially the website will be a database of information. We will have a home page with, we hope nested pages (a-c, d-g) etc on the left which when clicked on will expand to list all the companies. Once the visitor clicks on their company they will be taken to a new page with a short menu bar across the top (retaining the nested pages on the left) with 5 tabs linking to pages containing info relating to that company. Each company will have the same information page options for them, each containing relevant information for that particular company. So i guess it’s like a subdomain for each company. does this make any sense?
Could anyone suggest a wordpress theme that would be suitable for this? We need something relatively simple, that has good support. We will be fine adding widgets and plugins but I think writing lines of code will be beyond us.
If what we want to do is going to be difficult in wordpress could anyone suggest an alternative web builder that might do the trick? the overall aim of this site is to drive traffic, so it needs to be very SEO friendly and good for advertising.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
]]>I’m having a problem with the nested menus on my site. The dropdowns from the nav work fine, but I’ve set up pages inside of the dropdown pages (level 3) and these don’t show up when I roll over.
Any ideas why this could be happening? They show up in the pages section of the admin in the following way:
Level 1
– Level 2
– – Level 3
Any advice much appreciated!