Here’s what the error message says:
We tried to process your feed but it seems to be formatted incorrectly. This indicates an error in the blog software. Please contact your blog host provider or your Web admin for assistance. Once you fix the feed on your side, please try again.
This is the error we encountered, please pass it along to your Web admin:
<unknown>:181:280: not well-formed (invalid token)
What can I do?
]]>After searching all evening I finally came across a plugin called “Facebook Comment Importer” (, which claims to do just what I need. However, after activating this plugin I received the error message “Warning: Cannot find a post linked to this blog on the last 10 posts of the Facebook wall. Check that at least one of the last 10 posts on your wall links to a post of your blog.”
I use NetworkedBlogs on my FB Fan Page, and I’m guessing that this plugin doesn’t play well with NB. Am I wrong? I assume that the problem is that NB changes the URLs to all my blog posts to a URL with their web address in it, instead of my own. Is there a workaround for this? If so, please share it! If not, is there another known plugin that I can use that is NB friendly?
Thanks in advance!
Can I be guided in how to correct this problem?
]]>I have been using Networkedblogs on Facebook to publish a taster to my FB profile. Suddenly it stopped working, I’ve contacted Networkedblogs who say they don’t have an issue, I do. The RSS feed worked fine, and to my recollection, I haven’t altered anything.
This is the post on networkedblogs support forum….
All/any help appreciated.
]]>Now none of these sites are being updated – the last post they all had automatically fed is the same.
Anyone know what’s going on?