Warning: Invalid argument supplied foreach() in /home/p264../public_htm/wp-admin/includes/update-core.php on line 1252
Now when I go to dashboard I cannot update / edit posts or pages.
Have tried re-intalling 3 times, and updating files via FTP.. still no change..
Any suggestions?
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]]>object from empty value in /homepages/12/d390887873/htdocs/blog/wp-admin/includes/post.php on line 627
]]>When I try to save the draft it disappears. How can I fix this?
]]>If I wait for the post to autosave, a copy will be on my in my posts section however I still get the error the first time I try to save as a draft. When I edit an existing post and save as a draft, I don’t get the error.
I’ve tried changing the post.php CHMOD to 755 but the problem still happens.
The original CHMOD is 644.
I’ve searched many forums, I’m not using phrases like curl and I’ve tried short and long posts.
Please advise.
]]>I have checked the source of that page (the post-new.php page) and I have found some codes that do not seem normal… for example, below is just a chunk of code that just seems to repeat and repeat nonstop, overloading the page and I am almost certaing that it is the reason my my problems.. anyone knows how to fix this? The code has to do with Ajax, I think…
[Moderated: Too much code. Please consider placing the code in a text file on your site with a link here -or- use a pastebin service such as https://wordpress.pastebin.ca. Thanks!]