What they’d like is some kind of form that they could fill out with the necessary info, and then it would automatically format the various pieces of info into a nice-looking entry without them having to do formatting.
If I’m not explaining it clearly, please ask for further info.
Did I do something wrong? I set up a PHP MyAdmin server but why is this happening?
]]>How do I get rid of the “featured article” bit at the top that’s running in to my sidebar?
Additionally, I entered code to disable pingbacks within my own site, and it didn’t seem to work. This is the code I used:
function disable_internal_pingbacks( &$links ) {
$home = get_option( ‘home’ );
foreach ( $links as $l => $link )
if ( 0 === strpos( $link, $home ) )
add_action( ‘pre_ping’, ‘disable_internal_pingbacks’ );
Any other suggestion? Did I enter it in the wrong section? It’s in the functions.php section. What did I do wrong?
]]>STEP ONE: Instal HTML JAVASCRIPT ADDER plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/html-javascript-adder/
STEP TWO: Get the YouTube video embed code for the video you want to display in your sidebar, the code will look something like this:
<iframe width=”640″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/IbCTrZjnhbk?hl=en&fs=1″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
STEP THREE: Go here — TOOLS 4 NOOBS — https://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/youtube_xhtml/
— and paste your YouTube iframe code for the video you want in your sidebar, into the TOOLS 4 NOOBS window, select your parameters, and GENERATE the XHTML code, which appears below…
Further below on the TOOLS 4 NOOBS page is a live working example of your video, so you can then adjust it any way you want until you get what you need.
STEP FOUR: Go to your DASHBOARD. Look for WIDGETS in the left-hand menu, it’s probably the second item in the left-hand menu under APPEARANCE. Click on it.
That opens your WIDGETS page. On the WIDGETS page, look for HTML JAVASCRIPT ADDER plugin. Grab it and DRAG on it, this will cause a COPY of the plugin to be produced as you drag it from the left side of your WIDGETS page in your DASHBOARD, over to the right side. The right side REPRESENTS YOUR ACTUAL SIDEBAR. Position the “adder” wherever you want it in your right sidebar.
STEP FIVE: Now, copy & paste your new XHTML code for your YouTube directly into the HTML JAVASCRIPT ADDER plugin instance in your sidebar, and SAVE.
FINALLY: Check your WordPress page, and the video will be displayed in your sidebar.
THIS IS THE RESULT OF 15 HOURS OF plugging and unplugging stupid video plugins that don’t work to put a single video in the sidebar!
Now, would somebody charitable please invent a SIMPLE CODE to embed a SINGLE LOCAL VIDEO in the sidebar!!!!!! For those of us who don’t want to use YouTube, and prefer to host our own videos !!!!