So, after getting the style we wanted… we found a couple of bugs.
One is minor, and should be relatively easy to fix… if you click on one of the galleries in the album, when the page reloads, it sends you to the top of the page. This is jarring for the user.
I think generating an <a name="nggallery-${idx} />
tag just before the gallery/album HTML itself, and ensuring every gallery link is suffixed with #nggallery-${idx}
, would solve this.
The second one though, is much more serious. For this, I quickly slapped together a demonstration. This is a bare-bones WordPress install, done yesterday morning, with no themes or plug-ins except the Imagely theme, and the NextGen Gallery, NextGen PRO plug-ins.
I’ve created four galleries, stored in two albums. (Note, the photos are not terribly high resolution — I use these for slow-scan television on amateur radio, where the “standard” is 320×240px.)
Now, this page has two “album” blocks on it:
For the sake of testing, I selected “Pro Film” style for the galleries on this page.
Animals has two galleries: “Sam the cat” and “Wildlife”. These function just fine. No issues. Aside from the issue above where it sends you to the top of the page, they work well.
The second one has two other galleries: “St. Helena Island” and “Snowy Mountains”. Its behaviour, despite an identical configuration (aside from selected album), is very different.
These work, but when you “enter” one of these galleries, the gallery appears under the heading “Animals”.
Now… on the actual site we want to use the “Pro Tile” gallery style. I made a second page showing what happens when you do this.
Same set-up, just I changed the gallery style in each album block.
The “Animals” galleries, work as they should.? Pro-tile works great despite all of these being low-resolution 4:3 aspect ratio photos.
The “Landscapes” galleries break rather badly.? Enter one of those, and all galleries disappear.
There’s no browser errors, this appears to be an issue in the PHP back-end code.? I’ve attached the Apache web server error log.
My hunch is this:
– when a user clicks on a gallery, they are taken to a URI constructed from this template: ${PAGE_URI}/nggallery/${GALLERY_SLUG} (where ${PAGE_URI} is the URI of the page, and ${GALLERY_SLUG} is the gallery title with all non-URL-safe characters substituted).
– the PHP code sees the ‘nggallery’ sub-path in the URI… the *first* NGGallery block tries to interpret it.
– First NGGallery block looks through its galleries (from the “Animals” album), can’t find one with a matching slug, silently fails.
– Due to state corruption by the first NGGallery block, the second NGGallery also fails.
“Pro Film” seems to almost work fine… it seems the first NGGallery block is interpreting the query.? “Pro Tile” appears to not handle this as gracefully (maybe some shared state?) and so when the first instance fails, it leaves variables in a bad state that means all subsequent NGGallery blocks fail to render properly.
Site information:
– Hosting environment: PHP 8.1, Apache httpd 2.4.59, MariaDB 10.11.6, AlpineLinux 3.19 (Imagely support: see phpinfo.html emailed to you yesterday)
– WordPress 6.5.2 (downloaded yesterday morning)
– Imagely theme 2.3.0 (installed from downloaded ZIP)
– NextGen Gallery 3.59.2 (installed from downloaded ZIP, then updated through WordPress dashboard)
– NextGen Pro 3.31.2 (installed from downloaded zip, then updated through WordPress dashboard)
ZIP file hashes of plug-ins (SHA-256):
I hope someone can shed some light for me on this.
username to view: mtc
password to view: Wildride.2023!
]]>I have a Problem and maybe someone had the same and can help me, sadly the developer does not respond to my request. Now to the problem:
The linked website uses the NextGEN Gallery plugin and is lagging behind with a lot of updates. When I try to do the plugin updates it crashes the page. I then get the following error:
“Fatal error: Unparenthesized a ? b : c ? d : e
is not supported. Use either (a ? b : c) ? d : e
or a ? b : (c ? d : e)
in C:\xampp\htdocs\wpmariahilf\wp-content\plugins\nextgen-gallery\products\photocrati_nextgen\modules\nextgen_admin\package.module.nextgen_admin.php on line 368″
Line 368:
“$template = method_exists($handler, ‘get_mvc_template’) ? $handler->get_mvc_template() : ‘photocrati-nextgen_admin#admin_notice’;”
Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this so that I can update NextGen Gallery normally again?
Thanks in advance!!!
Best wishes
I’m trying to migrate a site currently using Nextgen Gallery and would like to replicate a similar setup using your plugin. But I don’t know if it’s technically possible.
Currently, when creating a new gallery, it automatically generates and publishes a new page that links the gallery to that newly created page.
Then when inserting the gallery into a post, the template shows only a strip with a limited number of thumbnails and counts and displays the total number of images. Clicking on any of those thumbnails opens the previously created gallery page, which contains the full gallery with all the thumbnails, where the user can interact with each of them through Lightbox.
I would like to know if that is possible even with custom coding. It doesn’t matter if one of the premium licenses is required to achieve it.
I understand that maybe one template would be needed to embed the gallery in the posts and a different template for the individual gallery page.
That is to say that it would be something similar to the “single thumbnail gallery” but that shows a strip of thumbnails in the publications instead of only one, but that clicking on any of the small images and opening each gallery’s individual page shows all the thumbnails that the gallery contains.
? When creating a new gallery, automatically create and publish a new page linked to it.
? When inserting a gallery into a post:
?Display gallery title.
?Show only a predefined amount of thumbs.
?Count and display the total number of images the gallery contains.
?Display an “open gallery” button.
? Clicking on any thumb or the button, opens the gallery page containing all the thumbnails.
The following image illustrates what a currently inserted gallery looks like:
Well, I hope you can understand the description
Thank you in advance.
]]>Nextgen Gallery has stopped working for me on my wordpress site. I’ve changed themes, disabled recent plugins installed, but can’t figure it out.
When I use the WordPress editor (either visual or text) and insert a gallery, when previewing the post (or viewing a saved post), I can’t see any images or gallery, only the words ‘Nextgen Gallery’ and underneath that ‘edit’ then ‘delete’ – in the place I would expect to see the gallery.
Any ideas please what needs fixing here?
]]>Many links which contains too many pictures in their results are still not opening.
Also we are not able to upload new collections in gallery, nor able to write and save their prices and not able to save anything in database. It shows that changes has been saved but actually it is not saved.
Shane M.
What could be the problem?