Since it’s no longer using a table to display, how can i modify this code to work on the latest version?
// pick'em style predictions (v2.3.8 and below)
jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
jQuery( 'table.matchinfo.input tr' ).filter( function() {
$this = jQuery( this );
return $this.attr( 'id' ) && $this.attr( 'id' ).substr( 0, 5 ) === 'match';
} )
.each( function() {
selected = 0;
jQuery( 'td.score', this ).each( function( index ) {
$this = jQuery( this );
value = $this.text();
if ( value == '' && $this.children().length > 0 ) {
$this.siblings( '.home, .away' )
.css( 'cursor', 'pointer' )
.bind( 'click', function() {
$this = jQuery( this );
team = $this.attr( 'class' ); // home or away
$this.siblings( '.score' ).find( 'input[name^="_' + team + '"]' ).val( '1' );
$this.siblings( '.score' ).find( ':not(input[name^="_' + team + '"])' ).val( '0' );
$this.css( 'font-weight', 'bold' ).css( 'color', 'orange' );
$this.siblings( ':not(.' + team + ')' ).css( 'font-weight', 'normal' ).css( 'color', '' );
} );
value = jQuery( 'input', this ).val();
selector = ( index == 0 ) ? '.home' : '.away';
if ( value == '1' ) $this.siblings( selector ).css( 'font-weight', 'bold' )
.css( 'color', 'orange' );
} );
} );
jQuery( 'table.matchinfo.input' ).show();
} );
]]>I use the American Football based theme and everything is going well until one of the matches in our league was a tie. The pct is not being calculated correctly and I cannot figure out how to do this under Sportspress > Configure > Table Columns > pct > edit.
If anyone can assist it would be much appreciated.
]]>It is possible to choose just the league that I want, I have a website of North American sports and me interested only show the NBA, NFL, NHL and MLB, other leagues in other countries do not interest me, it is to create a shortcode for this ?
]]>I was curious as to whether or not you feel your plug-in/code might be adaptable to American Football if you are familiar with American football at all .. and if so any suggestions you might have to making the necessary changes to your plug-in and where to start … ? feasibility? difficulty?
I’ve attempted to draw some preliminary parallels but initially it seems it may not be possible …
I’m working on an NFL draft website at the moment … my partner is the coder and I am business rules …
the 4 base metaphors I’m reviewing are teams and team players(the draft prospects) and fantasy football players(fans) and betting(for prizes etc) – there would be a point system linked to measure the degree of correctness of draft picks which could be equated to matches … thus allowing for prizes to be awarded to the most accurate estimators …
Coral Atlas
]]>Basically, I want to host a blog that is for the league. Maybe an RSS feed of NFL news, injuries.
Thanks for any help everyone!!
Syracuse, NY