Error When Retrieving NextGen Gallery galleries/images: $e
After replacing simple quotes by double quote in wp-gpx-maps/wp-gpx-maps-utils-nggallery.php line 119, the error message becomes clearer:
Error When Retrieving NextGen Gallery galleries/images: Exception: No utilities registered for I_Displayed_Gallery_Renderer
in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/vendor/imagely/pope-framework/lib/class.component_registry.php:860
My guess would be the this error comes from some change in NetxGen Gallery, however it seems to be benign and commenting the line out doesn’t seem to have any negative impact for my site.
]]>But when I use plugin, I do not like plugin’s movement.
There are two problems when I access the website.
One is Slideshow’s position is changed.
The other is Slideshow’s contents are shown up
Here is my website’s settings.
WordPress: 6.4.1
PHP: 8.1.22
Theme: Hamilton
NextGEN Gallery: 3.4.1
Gallery : Basic Slideshow
As for 1st problem, I would like Slideshow to show up at center.
But it moves to center after it is shown at left first.
Regarding to 2nd problem, I wouldn’t like the contents of Slideshow to show up in vertical line.
When I use Theme “Twenty Twenty-Four” version1.0, 1st problem does not happen. But 2nd problem does.
Here is video of website’s movement.
]]>Does anyone an alternative way to manage albums.
I have several thousand all galleries inside many albums.
When to manage them it can thirty minutes or more just see them finally loaded, that’s without moving galleries into the proper album.
Can I manage any of this via FTP ?
Or something else ?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Havea great day.
]]>“What do Peppa Pig, Hey Duggee and Bluey all have in common? They’re home to Ladybird Licensing! Want to work with our biggest brands in pre-school? Please apply …”
It appears in the meta description for the Google Preview and shows when the page appears in a Google search. (Search “Joe Cain Brown Dog” and it appears as the third or fourth hit. See meta description) But this meta description is not located in the source code for the page. So where is it?
I want to change it. I’m assuming it’s been inserted maliciously. But I cannot find it. These images are in an NGGallery Gallery. I’ve checked the ALT TEXT and Description and these do not show this text.
What do I do?
[nggtags gallery=promo template=bloginfoname]
According to documentations:
I changed my file gallery-bloginfoname.php by coping and paste from
How to force gallery to use my custom template in new way?
[ngg src=tags ids=promo display=basic_thumbnail]
If i put display=gallery-bloginfoname or display=bloginfoname instead of display=basic_thumbnail i get:
We cannot display this gallery
And also in shortcodes i didnt find anything about Templates:
And on the page has old information as far as I understand.
Custom gallery templates are not work more?
]]>I have these settings:
Gallery Settings > Basic Thumbnails > Show slideshow link – No
Gallery Slideshow > Basic Thumbnails > Show thumbnail link – No
Still the pages are created. How do I shut off the creation of those extra pages?
Thanks in advance
]]>[nggallery id=1]
are not sorting according to the default sort I have set up, which is Image ID, Descending. Do I have to put the preferred sort order in every gallery’s shortcode (there’s a lot of them)?
]]>I use the shortcode generated by the nggallery green button in the wp page.