I am wondering if this is something revive did themselves inorder to encourage people to upgrade to the Pro version, or if it’s a settings issue somewhere?
]]>i installed your plugin and connected it right to google cloud, but featured images don’t show on new posts when plugin is activated. i’m aware that this is an issue with my site because i had the same problem with other storage plugins. Any idea how i can resolve this issue which has plagued my wordpress experience.
kind regards
]]>I cannot get my posts to show full text instead of featured images and an excerpt. I do not want to use featured images on the post page and want the full post to show. I have marked it in the appropriate place both in the customizer and the settings in “Reading” in the dashboard.
Have been using the Suri theme for a while. The only problem that I have is that a large number of my featured images do not show up, despite the fact that I have “Display Thumpnails in single posts,” selected.
Its kind of frustrating. Here is one great theme, and it has to have this problem. Some of the images actually show. But the rest do not. Is there something that I am doing wrong? I have tried playing around with the sizes of the images but that hasnt worked.
I have also tried setting the post type to “image.” Still no success….
]]>On my site’s main page I have an area for Latest Post, which is the last published post, and also Recent Posts, which are all the following posts. For the Latest Post I’d like the thumbnail to show the first image of each post instead of grabbing the featured image, but can’t figure out how to set it up properly.
I’ve played around with functions, spent sometime on the forum trying to find similar situations, but everything I’ve tried hasn’t worked. I know this must be a simple fix (I’m still new to coding), but I’d appreciate any help!
Here’s my site: https://www.aimeemars.com
]]>I am following the instructions (https://weblizar.com/documentation/themes/enigma-premium-documentation/#slider), which seem to be simple enough but the featured image doesn’t work and then slider disappears every time I try to add a slider – probably bc the image doesn’t get uploaded.
Is this a bug??!!
Thanks for your help.
]]>I am following the instructions (https://weblizar.com/documentation/themes/enigma-premium-documentation/#slider), which seem to be simple enough but the featured image doesn’t work and then slider disappears every time I try to add a slider – probably bc the image doesn’t get uploaded.
Is this a bug??!!
Thanks for your help.
]]>Also, my featured image doesn’t show up either with the excerpt but shows up within the post and recipe box (while I’m logged in of course).
Please help.
]]>My problem is on my initial testing I saw that if I set a featured image it would strip (in feed to post) the image from the content. So i decided to just have a category image, but i still see the image being stripped. (Not sure if I am missing a setting or this is just the way the plugin works, or if there is work around in the code) I mostly just wanted the original content without setting a featured image.
Not sure if there is a way to get around this here is what I am talking about
Site I am doing testing on
The original has 3 images
I first testing this same blog and had it as a featured imaged only. Still striped the same image, but put the stripped image was placed inside the featured spot.
Here’s Example of Stripping from Content and putting as featured images, would like to just leave content alone and not have a featured image.
Thanks Again