I have a custom taxonomy “member” for posts
Terms are Team Members names.
This way I can create Team Members pages with ACF fields to display infos, and a loop to retrieve articles written by each Member.
Problem is : When Team member has no posts yet, direct access to page is possible but translated page is not available and redirects to translated homepage. I think this is regular Polylang behaviour, not permitting accessing an archive page with no posts. Still, there are ACF fields to display…
How can I override this to force page to display, and PLL switcher to allow to switch to translated page ?
]]>I posted an article late last week, and had no problems. The post went up as they always have.
This week, I attempt to post an article, yet when I went to log into my blog, it wouldn’t accept my password. I tried multiple times, yet eventually I had to reset my password and log in.
Now, when I go to post an article, there is no option to post (or even edit) an article. The only options I have in my dashboard are:
Analytics Counter
Collapse Menu
I suspect it might be that I am not logged in as an admin… if this is the case (perhaps I logged in as another account I didn’t realise I had, with the same login name as my blog) how do I find out my admin login?
Incase you need to see the blog, it is at:
The id 55 is correct.
Wordpress and all the plugins are updated.
Can someone help me please, is urgent!
Thanks in advance
]]> Starting from the beggining , when I set up a blog after a month of rgular post adding in a Jetpack plugin which is used to statistics I’ve noticed that I can unwind homepage bookmark:
. After unwinding crashed posts show up, but when I’m trying to open them show https://uphackz.com/?attachment_id=349 instead of https://uphackz.com/empires-and-allies-hack-ios-android-cheats/ This is the first weird thing I’ve noticed after that when I wanted to look at the whole post I couldn’t because “featured image ” showed up it’s a mini post .
Additionally I don’t have edit post just edit media , it means that it displays this post as a media :
When I’m editing this media – it looks like I’m editing this media , only when I go from admin panel and look for this broken post and ony then I can see whole text which I can edit .
Even if I want to go through a normal post link it shows up only media .
I have this probem for the third time already, earlier nothing helped , neither theme change ,nor bringing back MYSQL database backups , or switching off plugins. I had to see up whole site andd everything manually in order to eliminate the error but unfortunately it constanly comes back . I changed even the hosting . I should say that not every post is broken . My website views go down over a 1000 views a day . The post breaks down not immediately but after a while .
This is the list of my bolg plugins :
CKEditor for WordPress
Contact Form by vCita
Easy Spoiler
Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox
Jetpack by WordPress.com
WordPress SEO
WP Content Copy Protection
My theme: Goodnews download from wplocker.
Change permalinks from /sample-post/ ( /%postname%/ ) to /2015/05/sample-post/ ( /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/ ) working, now i can do to post from link https://uphackz.com/empires-and-allies-hack-ios-android-cheats/ but people still go to attachmed media…
unlogged visitors see the website without any problem.
As soon as I log in, I get the well-known message “Not Found. Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.” (tons of subject in this forum with that title)
And when I select a category, I get “Sorry, but there aren’t any posts in **** category yet.”
I don’t have any more symptom to describe : I can’t even start debugging such a thing!
]]>The concept seems simple, but after three weeks I’m confused. Not sure whether to just make a new PAGE every week (with no actual post) or create a new POST each week, or what… I’m using the Themify ‘Basic’ theme which includes the Themify Builder tools.
1. I want a STATIC front page – the Home page for my site.
2. The static front HOME page contains a single post.
Or maybe I don’t need an actual POST… Maybe just the image and text.
3. The presentation format is very simple:
a) large featured image
b) a text paragraph below the image
c) visitor comments below the text paragraph
4. Each week I’ll create a new PAGE (or new post?).
That new PAGE will then appear as my static front HOME page, replacing last week’s HOME page.
Apparently there’s no SEO benefit whether I create a PAGE or a POST, so I’d prefer to just create the PAGE, without a post. Okay?
Here’s a LINK to a mockup of Week 1, then Week 2 and so on…
Do Visitor Comments attach to the PAGE, or to the POST?
6. When last week’s PAGE (or post?) is replaced, that PAGE (or post?) still needs to appear in:
a) A Gallery – 12 thumbnail images, each linked to its original page (or post?)
b) Archive by Year/Month
c) ‘Recent Posts’ list
d) Searches by Category and Tag
So far, I’ve just been duplicating the existing HOME Page (using that ThemeBuilder function), renaming that copied page to suit my intended *next* HOME Page, and then using Dashboard > Settings > Reading to specify that *next* HOME Page to be displayed on the Static Front Page.
Front page displays: A STATIC PAGE (select below)
Front page: (I just choose the intended *next* HOME page)
Then I modify my Main Navigation Menu so it’s HOME link points to my *next* HOME Page.
It seems to work for my LocalHost experiments, BUT IS THERE A BETTER WAY?
]]>I think I have created a static homepage, -> settings/reading-A static page -> Front page= Home, Post page = Blog.
Yet my post above is not showing on my home page,
I have tried deactivating all plugins and changing themes , with no success.
Can anyone tell me why that might be and how to fix it, thanks.
]]>Its a stock photo at the moment, which i will be replacing with a video, but I can’t seem to find out a way to remove the white space below.
The web address is www.envisionmultimedia.co.uk
Does anyone have any ideas if I can do this and how please?
Thank you,