Is there any way to prevent WP-Optimize from caching a specific script on our website.
We are implementing a geo-location redirect script across our various domains, in order to automatically redirect users to the correct website, based on their geographic location.
We are using the Woocommerce MaxMind IP address lookup system to determine a users location based on their IP address. And then redirect them to 9the correct website based on this result.
We are hosted with WP-Engine and have already excluded our redirect script from the server cache level.
However, cannot find a solution to prevent this script from being cached along with the rest of the page content. Affectively we would need this script to never be processed by WP-Optimize which is PHOP based.
We have tried using the Advanced Cache settings but noting there, allows us to exclude a specific PHP script within our child theme.
And after quite a bit of digging, we have tested our script using multiple different variations of the below, without success.
Is there a Constant, Hook, filter or PHP way to prevent our specif redirect script from ever being cached at all.
Thanks in advance.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Philip C
]]>This is not an issue so much as looking for an easier method. I posted this on your forumn but was notified you are not using it anymore.
I have been trying to come up with a solution to prevent pages from caching that have a Gravity form with a Stripe credit card field but not other forms.
Backstory: I have a lot of clients that use Gravity forms with Stripe addon. These clients have complained about users not being able to complete registration on these forms, wheel just spins, never finishes. I have been able to solve the problem by turning off caching on these pages. I am looking for a solution where my clients don’t need to remember to do this. I cannot prevent pages from caching that have a gravity form because all pages have a subscribe form in the footer, so it has to be restricted to forms with a stripe credit card field.
I thought the easiest way might be to look for either a css class or a cookie from Stripe on these pages, but using the site for testing, the pages are still caching. This is the latest I have added to .htaccess (using the cookie idea):
<IfModule LiteSpeed>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !nocache
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wp-content/cache/litespeed/$1/index.html -f
RewriteCond %{CONTENT_TYPE} !^text/html [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} site-auth|__stripe_sid
RewriteRule (.*) /wp-content/cache/litespeed/$1/index.html [E=Cache-Control:no-cache]
Am I doing something wrong, or is there a better way to accomplish this whole task, maybe using setting within LiteSpeed?
Thanks, I am sure this would be useful to others that find this post.
11/08/20 13:34:55.108 [ 1 eaC] [Ctrl] 301 from
11/08/20 13:34:55.108 [ 1 eaC] [Ctrl] 301 to
11/08/20 13:34:55.108 [ 1 eaC] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( 301 to same url ) => LiteSpeed\Control::set_nocache(( 301 to same url ))@362 => LiteSpeed\Control->check_redirect(,302)@508 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@287
11/08/20 13:34:55.109 [ 1 eaC] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:34:55.109 [ 1 eaC] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
11/08/20 13:34:55.109 [ 1 eaC] [Router] get_role: administrator
11/08/20 13:34:55.109 [ 1 eaC] [Vary] role in vary_group [group] 99
11/08/20 13:34:55.109 [ 1 eaC] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true
11/08/20 13:34:55.109 [ 1 eaC] [Vary] admin bar : true
11/08/20 13:34:55.109 [ 1 eaC] [Vary] no custimzed vary
11/08/20 13:34:55.110 [ 1 eaC] 💰 X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
11/08/20 13:34:55.110 [ 1 eaC] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:34:55.110 [ 1 eaC] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:34:55.110 [ 1 eaC] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/08/20 13:34:55.110 [ 1 eaC] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:34:55.110 [ 1 eaC] CDN bypass
11/08/20 13:34:55.110 [ 1 eaC] End response
11/08/20 13:34:55.199 [ 1 Ykh] 💓 ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/admin.php ? page=litespeed-toolbox
11/08/20 13:34:55.199 [ 1 Ykh] HTTP_REFERER:
11/08/20 13:34:55.199 [ 1 Ykh] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.183 Safari/537.36
11/08/20 13:34:55.199 [ 1 Ykh] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
11/08/20 13:34:55.199 [ 1 Ykh] Accept Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
11/08/20 13:34:55.199 [ 1 Ykh] Cookie: wordpress_sec_3d85e4eaef15f50cfeef2d651cf22380=juan%7C1605966940%7CAYPL0ZAfOD6gdrFtY7zItffFqkLplLAVMwCxK5YFM3W%7C498fd8441a00e5f7a7c919f127c069b11e2774e223977ffcfda0ba65c8d2dafb; litespeed_tab=log_viewer; wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check; _ga=GA1.2.2022837721.1599686669; _fbp=fb.1.1599686668694.430328685; __cfduid=de805093fb254ca96349e6bcc6a988b5e1602505093; calltrk_fcid=c72043c2-1479-48d3-b868-1fdd8fa924a3; wordpress_ac70cef1f6fbe583722b39a7885a4ac7_xframe=1; wp-settings-3=libraryContent%3Dbrowse%26editor%3Dtinymce%26advImgDetails%3Dshow%26hidetb%3D1%26editor_plain_text_paste_warning%3D1%26uploader%3D1%26posts_list_mode%3Dlist; wp-settings-time-3=1604697291; PHPSESSID=e700ba06d1a0bb8f2d38c8cf4b5383f6; wordpress_logged_in_3d85e4eaef15f50cfeef2d651cf22380=juan%7C1605966940%7CAYPL0ZAfOD6gdrFtY7zItffFqkLplLAVMwCxK5YFM3W%7Cc74ba40590ed16614acebc16e0f6c024eea77b71ce613a69f7bfb3483d55c245; _gid=GA1.2.1678320787.1604762947; mp_a36067b00a263cce0299cfd960e26ecf_mixpa; _lscache_vary=admin_bar%3A1%3Blogged-in%3A1%3Brole%3A99%3Brole_exclude_cache%3A1; _gat_gtag_UA_144743193_1=1; _gat_gtag_UA_87136510_2=1
11/08/20 13:34:55.199 [ 1 Ykh] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1
11/08/20 13:34:55.199 [ 1 Ykh] X-LSCACHE: true
11/08/20 13:34:55.270 [ 1 Ykh] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale
11/08/20 13:34:55.270 [ 1 Ykh] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user )
11/08/20 13:34:55.301 [ 1 Ykh] [Media] init
11/08/20 13:34:55.302 [ 1 Ykh] [LQIP] init
11/08/20 13:34:55.302 [ 1 Ykh] [CDN] init
11/08/20 13:34:55.302 [ 1 Ykh] [Router] CDN bypassed: is not ajax call
11/08/20 13:34:55.302 [ 1 Ykh] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
11/08/20 13:34:55.303 [ 1 Ykh] ⏰ Task init
11/08/20 13:34:55.303 [ 1 Ykh] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
11/08/20 13:34:55.334 [ 1 Ykh] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LiteSpeed\Control::set_nocache(( Admin page ))@362 => LiteSpeed\Admin->admin_init()@72 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(ARRAY)@287
11/08/20 13:34:55.362 [ 1 Ykh] [GUI] Show promo score
11/08/20 13:34:55.377 [ 1 Ykh] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] [Router] get_role: administrator
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] [Vary] role in vary_group [group] 99
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] [Vary] admin bar : true
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] [Vary] no custimzed vary
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] 💰 X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] CDN bypass
11/08/20 13:34:55.378 [ 1 Ykh] End response
11/08/20 13:35:16.488 [ 1 Uho] 💓 ------GET HTTP/1.1 /default.php/ ? id=Japan20151121g-3-4520
11/08/20 13:35:16.488 [ 1 Uho] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;, [email protected])
11/08/20 13:35:16.488 [ 1 Uho] Accept: */*
11/08/20 13:35:16.488 [ 1 Uho] Accept Encoding:
11/08/20 13:35:16.488 [ 1 Uho] Cookie:
11/08/20 13:35:16.488 [ 1 Uho] X-LSCACHE: true
11/08/20 13:35:16.588 [ 1 Uho] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale
11/08/20 13:35:16.640 [ 1 Uho] [Router] get_role:
11/08/20 13:35:16.641 [ 1 Uho] [Media] init
11/08/20 13:35:16.642 [ 1 Uho] [LQIP] init
11/08/20 13:35:16.642 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] init
11/08/20 13:35:16.642 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] mapping inc_img ->
11/08/20 13:35:16.642 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] mapping inc_css ->
11/08/20 13:35:16.643 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] mapping inc_js ->
11/08/20 13:35:16.643 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] mapping .aac,.css,.eot,.gif,.jpeg,.js,.jpg,.less,.mp3,.mp4,.ogg,.otf,.pdf,.png,.svg,.ttf,.woff ->
11/08/20 13:35:16.643 [ 1 Uho] ⏰ Task init
11/08/20 13:35:16.643 [ 1 Uho] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
11/08/20 13:35:16.643 [ 1 Uho] [GUI] init
11/08/20 13:35:16.662 [ 1 Uho] [Ctrl] X Cache_control TTL -> 3600
11/08/20 13:35:16.662 [ 1 Uho] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on
11/08/20 13:35:16.663 [ 1 Uho] [Ctrl] 301 from
11/08/20 13:35:16.663 [ 1 Uho] [Ctrl] 301 to
11/08/20 13:35:16.663 [ 1 Uho] [Ctrl] 301 different redirection
11/08/20 13:35:16.665 [ 1 Uho] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:35:16.666 [ 1 Uho] [Router] get_role:
11/08/20 13:35:16.666 [ 1 Uho] [Router] get_role:
11/08/20 13:35:16.666 [ 1 Uho] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
11/08/20 13:35:16.666 [ 1 Uho] [Router] get_role:
11/08/20 13:35:16.666 [ 1 Uho] [Router] get_role:
11/08/20 13:35:16.666 [ 1 Uho] [Vary] no custimzed vary
11/08/20 13:35:16.666 [ 1 Uho] 💰 X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=3600
11/08/20 13:35:16.666 [ 1 Uho] 💰 X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 5df_HTTP.404,5df_HTTP.301,5df_404,5df_URL.fed480ac67802184cb13ba097730c959,5df_
11/08/20 13:35:16.666 [ 1 Uho] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:35:16.667 [ 1 Uho] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:35:16.667 [ 1 Uho] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/08/20 13:35:16.667 [ 1 Uho] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:35:16.667 [ 1 Uho] CDN _finalize
11/08/20 13:35:16.667 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] _replace_inline_css --- array (
'inc_img' => '',
'inc_css' => '',
'inc_js' => '',
'filetype' => true,
'.aac' => '',
'.css' => '',
'.eot' => '',
'.gif' => '',
'.jpeg' => '',
'.js' => '',
'.jpg' => '',
'.less' => '',
'.mp3' => '',
'.mp4' => '',
'.ogg' => '',
'.otf' => '',
'.pdf' => '',
'.png' => '',
'.svg' => '',
'.ttf' => '',
'.woff' => '',
11/08/20 13:35:16.667 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] replace attribute .src
11/08/20 13:35:16.667 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] replace attribute .data-src
11/08/20 13:35:16.668 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] replace attribute .href
11/08/20 13:35:16.668 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] replace attribute .poster
11/08/20 13:35:16.668 [ 1 Uho] [CDN] replace attribute source.srcset
11/08/20 13:35:16.668 [ 1 Uho] End response
11/08/20 13:35:27.166 [ 1 uiI] 💓 ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
11/08/20 13:35:27.166 [ 1 uiI] HTTP_REFERER:
11/08/20 13:35:27.166 [ 1 uiI] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.183 Safari/537.36
11/08/20 13:35:27.166 [ 1 uiI] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
11/08/20 13:35:27.166 [ 1 uiI] Accept Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
11/08/20 13:35:27.166 [ 1 uiI] Cookie: wordpress_sec_3d85e4eaef15f50cfeef2d651cf22380=juan%7C1605966940%7CAYPL0ZAfOD6gdrFtY7zItffFqkLplLAVMwCxK5YFM3W%7C498fd8441a00e5f7a7c919f127c069b11e2774e223977ffcfda0ba65c8d2dafb; litespeed_tab=settings-debug; wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check; _ga=GA1.2.2022837721.1599686669; _fbp=fb.1.1599686668694.430328685; __cfduid=de805093fb254ca96349e6bcc6a988b5e1602505093; calltrk_fcid=c72043c2-1479-48d3-b868-1fdd8fa924a3; wordpress_ac70cef1f6fbe583722b39a7885a4ac7_xframe=1; wp-settings-3=libraryContent%3Dbrowse%26editor%3Dtinymce%26advImgDetails%3Dshow%26hidetb%3D1%26editor_plain_text_paste_warning%3D1%26uploader%3D1%26posts_list_mode%3Dlist; wp-settings-time-3=1604697291; PHPSESSID=e700ba06d1a0bb8f2d38c8cf4b5383f6; wordpress_logged_in_3d85e4eaef15f50cfeef2d651cf22380=juan%7C1605966940%7CAYPL0ZAfOD6gdrFtY7zItffFqkLplLAVMwCxK5YFM3W%7Cc74ba40590ed16614acebc16e0f6c024eea77b71ce613a69f7bfb3483d55c245; _gid=GA1.2.1678320787.1604762947; mp_a36067b00a263cce0299cfd960e26ecf_mixpa; _lscache_vary=admin_bar%3A1%3Blogged-in%3A1%3Brole%3A99%3Brole_exclude_cache%3A1; _gat_gtag_UA_144743193_1=1; _gat_gtag_UA_87136510_2=1
11/08/20 13:35:27.166 [ 1 uiI] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1
11/08/20 13:35:27.166 [ 1 uiI] X-LSCACHE: true
11/08/20 13:35:27.287 [ 1 uiI] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale
11/08/20 13:35:27.287 [ 1 uiI] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user )
11/08/20 13:35:27.337 [ 1 uiI] [Media] init
11/08/20 13:35:27.338 [ 1 uiI] [LQIP] init
11/08/20 13:35:27.339 [ 1 uiI] [CDN] init
11/08/20 13:35:27.339 [ 1 uiI] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
11/08/20 13:35:27.339 [ 1 uiI] ⏰ Task init
11/08/20 13:35:27.339 [ 1 uiI] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
11/08/20 13:35:27.358 [ 1 uiI] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LiteSpeed\Control::set_nocache(( Admin page ))@362 => LiteSpeed\Admin->admin_init()@72 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(ARRAY)@287
11/08/20 13:35:27.387 [ 1 uiI] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Router] get_role: administrator
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Vary] role in vary_group [group] 99
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: true
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Vary] admin bar : true
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Vary] no custimzed vary
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Core] Silence Comment due to REST/AJAX
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] 💰 X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:35:27.388 [ 1 uiI] CDN bypass
11/08/20 13:35:27.389 [ 1 uiI] End response
11/08/20 13:35:47.913 [ 1 1F8] 💓 ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-admin/admin.php ? page=litespeed-toolbox
11/08/20 13:35:47.913 [ 1 1F8] HTTP_REFERER:
11/08/20 13:35:47.913 [ 1 1F8] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.183 Safari/537.36
11/08/20 13:35:47.913 [ 1 1F8] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
11/08/20 13:35:47.913 [ 1 1F8] Accept Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
11/08/20 13:35:47.913 [ 1 1F8] Cookie: wordpress_sec_3d85e4eaef15f50cfeef2d651cf22380=juan%7C1605966940%7CAYPL0ZAfOD6gdrFtY7zItffFqkLplLAVMwCxK5YFM3W%7C498fd8441a00e5f7a7c919f127c069b11e2774e223977ffcfda0ba65c8d2dafb; litespeed_tab=settings-debug; wordpress_test_cookie=WP%20Cookie%20check; _ga=GA1.2.2022837721.1599686669; _fbp=fb.1.1599686668694.430328685; __cfduid=de805093fb254ca96349e6bcc6a988b5e1602505093; calltrk_fcid=c72043c2-1479-48d3-b868-1fdd8fa924a3; wordpress_ac70cef1f6fbe583722b39a7885a4ac7_xframe=1; wp-settings-3=libraryContent%3Dbrowse%26editor%3Dtinymce%26advImgDetails%3Dshow%26hidetb%3D1%26editor_plain_text_paste_warning%3D1%26uploader%3D1%26posts_list_mode%3Dlist; wp-settings-time-3=1604697291; PHPSESSID=e700ba06d1a0bb8f2d38c8cf4b5383f6; wordpress_logged_in_3d85e4eaef15f50cfeef2d651cf22380=juan%7C1605966940%7CAYPL0ZAfOD6gdrFtY7zItffFqkLplLAVMwCxK5YFM3W%7Cc74ba40590ed16614acebc16e0f6c024eea77b71ce613a69f7bfb3483d55c245; _gid=GA1.2.1678320787.1604762947; mp_a36067b00a263cce0299cfd960e26ecf_mixpa; _lscache_vary=admin_bar%3A1%3Blogged-in%3A1%3Brole%3A99%3Brole_exclude_cache%3A1
11/08/20 13:35:47.913 [ 1 1F8] Cookie _lscache_vary: admin_bar:1;logged-in:1;role:99;role_exclude_cache:1
11/08/20 13:35:47.913 [ 1 1F8] X-LSCACHE: true
11/08/20 13:35:48.031 [ 1 1F8] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale
11/08/20 13:35:48.031 [ 1 1F8] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> private ( logged in user )
11/08/20 13:35:48.157 [ 1 mr0] 💓 ------POST HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /wp-cron.php ? doing_wp_cron=1604842548.0521581172943115234375
11/08/20 13:35:48.157 [ 1 mr0] HTTP_REFERER:
11/08/20 13:35:48.157 [ 1 mr0] User Agent: WXWVVxd8kfgc
11/08/20 13:35:48.157 [ 1 mr0] Accept: */*
11/08/20 13:35:48.157 [ 1 mr0] Accept Encoding: deflate, gzip, br
11/08/20 13:35:48.157 [ 1 mr0] Cookie:
11/08/20 13:35:48.157 [ 1 mr0] X-LSCACHE: true
11/08/20 13:35:48.243 [ 1 mr0] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> stale
11/08/20 13:35:48.292 [ 1 mr0] [Router] get_role:
11/08/20 13:35:48.293 [ 1 mr0] [Media] init
11/08/20 13:35:48.294 [ 1 mr0] [LQIP] init
11/08/20 13:35:48.295 [ 1 mr0] [CDN] init
11/08/20 13:35:48.295 [ 1 mr0] ⏰ Task init
11/08/20 13:35:48.295 [ 1 mr0] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
11/08/20 13:35:48.296 [ 1 mr0] [GUI] init
11/08/20 13:35:48.315 [ 1 mr0] [Img_Optm] cron_pull running
11/08/20 13:35:48.316 [ 1 mr0] [Img_Optm] ❌ no need pull [tag]
11/08/20 13:35:48.346 [ 1 mr0] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:35:48.346 [ 1 mr0] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
11/08/20 13:35:48.346 [ 1 mr0] [Router] get_role:
11/08/20 13:35:48.346 [ 1 mr0] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
11/08/20 13:35:48.346 [ 1 mr0] [Router] get_role:
11/08/20 13:35:48.346 [ 1 mr0] [Router] get_role:
11/08/20 13:35:48.346 [ 1 mr0] [Vary] no custimzed vary
11/08/20 13:35:48.347 [ 1 mr0] 💰 X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
11/08/20 13:35:48.347 [ 1 mr0] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/08/20 13:35:48.347 [ 1 mr0] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:35:48.347 [ 1 mr0] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/08/20 13:35:48.347 [ 1 mr0] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/08/20 13:35:48.347 [ 1 mr0] CDN bypass
11/08/20 13:35:48.347 [ 1 mr0] End response
11/08/20 13:35:48.391 [ 1 1F8] [Media] init
11/08/20 13:35:48.392 [ 1 1F8] [LQIP] init
11/08/20 13:35:48.393 [ 1 1F8] [CDN] init
11/08/20 13:35:48.393 [ 1 1F8] [Router] CDN bypassed: is not ajax call
11/08/20 13:35:48.393 [ 1 1F8] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
11/08/20 13:35:48.394 [ 1 1F8] ⏰ Task init
11/08/20 13:35:48.394 [ 1 1F8] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL: save-settings
11/08/20 13:35:48.394 [ 1 1F8] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL verified: 'save-settings'
11/08/20 13:35:48.445 [ 1 1F8] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LiteSpeed\Control::set_nocache(( Admin page ))@362 => LiteSpeed\Admin->admin_init()@72 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(ARRAY)@287
11/08/20 13:35:48.445 [ 1 1F8] [Settings] saving
11/08/20 13:35:48.453 [ 1 1F8] [Data] Checking table crawler
11/08/20 13:35:48.453 [ 1 1F8] [Data] Existed
11/08/20 13:35:48.454 [ 1 1F8] [Data] Checking table crawler_blacklist
11/08/20 13:35:48.454 [ 1 1F8] [Data] Existed
11/08/20 13:35:48.511 [ 1 1F8] [GUI] Show promo score
refresh=true or nocache=true (forces a fresh fetch of the file each time ) used in url access only, not as shortcode
I don’t know what you mean by “used in url access only”. I do have a shortcode to display an ical and I’d like it to be refreshed every time the page loads. Where exactly do I put this parameter? I’m sorry, it’s not clear to me.
Many thanks!
]]>i need to go to revert. Is it possible to make my website no cache plugin used with litespeed? because my main menu broken when i used some cache plugin . i removed that cache plugin but its looking still same. help me pls thanks
]]><?php echo '<!-- page template = ' . basename( get_page_template() ) . ' -->'; ?>
if ( is_page_template( 'pilot-nocache.php' ) ) {
<!-- Yoast Breadcrumbs -->
if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) {
<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>
<!-- Custom Header - End -->
<?php tha_header_bottom(); // custom action hook ?>
</header><!-- .site-header -->
<?php tha_header_after(); // custom action hook ?>
<div id="content" class="site-content">
Is nocache_headers in the wrong place? Is there something more subtle to this?
I have checked the template name in the code is correct!
With Chrome and IE the cookie wall page will not be replace by the site page when clicking the accept button. In Firefox we get the site after clickin the accept button.
With Chrome, IE and firefox we get the site after clicking the accept button.
Possible solition:
In the file blocker.php (map: wp-content\plugins\pronamic-cookies\views) we add the next row in top of the file.
‘<?php nocache_headers();?>’
Test result:
For the cookie wall page no-cache is used in the browser. After accepting the cookie the defauld cache settings are used for the website pages.
In Chrome, IE and Firefox the cookie wall page will be replace by the site page after clicking the accept button.
We tested this only in the multisite websites. In a singlesite this still have to be tested.
Is there a ‘nocache’ option, eg for a specific image to tell the plugin not to cache that image(s), or maybe a way to turn off caching in a specific div?