I just installed WP stanging and whether can’t create a staging site nor do anything else.
The register “staging” shows only “Note: You can upload backup files to another site to transfer a website.?Read more” – nothing else.
When I try to click on any button to answer the question for a 5-star-rating, an error message appeares which tells me to ask for support.
The wp-staging-logs and php-debug-log files are empty.
I have plugins installed among others: All In One WP Security, Fast Velocity Minify, Filester – File Manager Pro, Jetpack and WP Super Cache.
What can I do to get WP staging running?
]]>Got to this then nothing:
Image re-check in progress – 1 second remaining
Note: This is taking longer than expected, please hold on.
Cleared Cache. Same thing.
Checked site health. 2 things came up:
The scheduled event, smush_check_for_conflicts, failed to run. Your site still works, but this may indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended.
The authorization header is missing
The Authorization header is used by third-party applications you have approved for this site. Without this header, those apps cannot connect to your site.
If you are still seeing this warning after having tried the actions below, you may need to contact your hosting provider for further assistance.
Lower on the page it says:
We haven’t found any images in your media library yet so there’s no smushing to be done!
Once you upload images, reload this page and start playing!
Is there any way to proceed, or should we move on to a different plugin?
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Royal Elementor Addons is not working because you need to install the Elemenor plugin
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ElementsKit requires Elementor version 3.0.0+, which is currently NOT RUNNING.
]]>We are using UpdraftPlus (free) on a Woocommerce webshop that is still in development.
Recently we have noticed that scheduled backups are refusing to run. We are getting the following error msg: Failed to open log file (/var/www/html/wp-content/updraft/log.7aa561972bcf.txt) – you need to check your UpdraftPlus settings (your chosen directory for creating files in is not writable, or you ran out of disk space). Backup aborted. (aug 06 01:00:05)
We have no problems with manual backups, these run normally and are successfull.
Some other background info:
– Backup destination: Google drive
– Backup schedule scheme: Every 12h
– Archive size setting: 100MB
– There is plenty of space available both on the server as the Google Drive storage
– Access rights for folder /var/www/html/wp-content/updraft/: apache:apache 0755
Also maybe worth mentioning: we have currently http basic auth in place to shield off visitors from the site as it is still being set up. I don’t feel like this should have anything to do with the backups not running, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.
Do you have any idea why these scheduled backups are failing?
30 2 * * * /usr/bin/php-cgi /home/xxxxxxxxx.lv/public_html/wp-load.php import_key=cxGR4Q6…… import_id=1 action=trigger
*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/php-cgi /home/xxxxxxxxx.lv/public_html/wp-load.php import_key=cxGR4Q6……. import_id=1 action=processing
Looking at server logs – cron is being triggered as it should. However trigger cron doesn’t run. If I trigger cron using web browser – it starts to work as it should and processing cron starts working right after I trigger cron from browser.
Right now I’m using easycron.com, however I need to find solution how to run Trigger cron from my own server
]]>There is no change if I select a full or custom backup, attempt to backup just the database or the files, upload the resulting backup to the cloud or keep it local, or select background mode.
]]>I have the problem that I can’t display my website gainsclothing.com I get to see this: https://www.upload.ee/image/5869194/Naamloos.png My website was working but now it’s not. I deleted and reinstalled al my plugins and themes. In this way I was able to login again and customize my website but I still can’t display it. I think it has something to do with the coding. Cause I was editing something and then it suddenly happened.
Any help is much appreciated,
Sil Draaisma
]]>So I enabled debugging, copied /pasted some homepage text into the text search box, and checked off the 5-min. tests and email notices. Thereafter:
1. the page source bottom reported: “<!– Page not cached by WP Super Cache. No closing HTML tag. Check your theme. –>” – incorrect, as the </html> tag was right there above this comment;
2. the 5-min. emails all reported : Please visit https://futurewestmoto.ca/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wpsupercache to clear the cache as the front page of your site is not correct and missing the text, “Future West Moto will continue its efforts to grow”!
– I had cleared the cache prior to all of this – and the text was /is indeed there – so this was again incorrect;
Then found the plugin deactivated (6 hrs. later when I returned). Reactivated it; re-ran tests which again reported that no browser caching was occurring. Plz advise. thank you, ~Wayne