We configured the plugin correctly on the website and registered two devices, a mobile phone and a desktop browser. The notifications appear in the campaign list as sent and received on both devices, but they never reached the devices…
Furthermore, the desktop browser, even after having subscribed and confirmed permission to send notifications, was not shown as an active device on the platform on the first attempt. We had to delete data twice and insist on registering until it appeared among the devices.
In the specific case of the mobile device, only the first notification generated a change on the device: a notification that “the website has been changed in the background”…
In short: the plugin does not work as intended.
Task Scheduler
Connection successful.Connection to the MailPoet Sending Service
Connection successful.CronAccessibleUnknownStatusrunningLast updated15 April 2024 14:24Last run startedunknownLast run completed15 April 2024 14:24Last seen errornoneLast seen error dateunknownWP Cron / Action Scheduler StatusVersion3.7.4Storage typeDBStoreNext trigger run15 April 2024 18:10Last trigger run15 April 2024 18:08Last worker run15 April 2024 15:24Sending QueueStatusrunningStarted at10 April 2024 19:34Sent emails0Retry attemptnoneRetry atnoneErrornoneTotal completed tasks6Total running tasks1Total paused tasks0Total scheduled tasks0
Would appreciate help as newsletters are no good if they don’t send! I’ve had to resort back to Mailchimp for this one.
name: admin
email: [email protected]
PHP version: 8.1.27
MailPoet Free version: 4.48.2
MailPoet Premium version: N/A
MailPoet Premium/MSS key: bd8aec500893a4c4****************
WordPress version: 6.5.2
Database version: 10.5.24-MariaDB
Web server: Apache
Server OS: Linux server.lancing-internet.co.uk 3.10.0-1160.42.2.vz7.184.10 #1 SMP Fri Dec 31 04:05:16 MSK 2021 x86_64
WP info: WP_MEMORY_LIMIT: 40M - WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT: 512m - WP_DEBUG: - WordPress language: en_GB
PHP info: PHP max_execution_time: 120 - PHP memory_limit: 1024M - PHP upload_max_filesize: 32M - PHP post_max_size: 64M
Multisite environment?: No
Current Theme: Storefront (version 4.5.5)
Active Plugin names: query-monitor/query-monitor.php, 404page/404page.php, aco-product-labels-for-woocommerce/start.php, automatewoo/automatewoo.php, back-in-stock-notifier-for-woocommerce/cwginstocknotifier.php, cart-recovery/cart-recovery-for-wordpress.php, classic-editor/classic-editor.php, classic-widgets/classic-widgets.php, code-snippets/code-snippets.php, cookie-law-info/cookie-law-info.php, cost-of-goods-for-woocommerce-pro/cost-of-goods-for-woocommerce-pro.php, debug-bar/debug-bar.php, elex-woocommerce-google-product-feed-plugin-basic/elex-product-feed-basic.php, enable-media-replace/enable-media-replace.php, facebook-for-woocommerce/facebook-for-woocommerce.php, foosales/foosales.php, formidable/formidable.php, fv-wordpress-flowplayer/flowplayer.php, gallery-custom-links/gallery-custom-links.php, google-site-kit/google-site-kit.php, hello.php, leira-cron-jobs/leira-cron-jobs.php, mailpoet/mailpoet.php, mappress-google-maps-for-wordpress/mappress.php, megamenu-pro/megamenu-pro.php, megamenu-storefront/megamenu-storefront.php, megamenu/megamenu.php, modern-events-calendar-lite/modern-events-calendar-lite.php, ni-woocommerce-custom-order-status/ni-woocommerce-custom-order-status.php, product-sales-report-for-woocommerce/hm-product-sales-report.php, pw-bulk-edit/pw-bulk-edit.php, redirection/redirection.php, seo-by-rank-math/rank-math.php, trustpilot-reviews/wc_trustpilot.php, ultimate-social-media-plus/ultimate_social_media_icons.php, updraftplus/updraftplus.php, woo-discount-rules/woo-discount-rules.php, woo-order-export-lite/woo-order-export-lite.php, woo-product-feed-pro/woocommerce-sea.php, woocommerce-advanced-shipping-packages/advanced-shipping-packages-for-woocommerce.php, woocommerce-attribute-stock/woocommerce-attribute-stock.php, woocommerce-gateway-stripe/woocommerce-gateway-stripe.php, woocommerce-google-analytics-integration/woocommerce-google-analytics-integration.php, woocommerce-payments/woocommerce-payments.php, woocommerce-paypal-payments/woocommerce-paypal-payments.php, woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips/woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packingslips.php, woocommerce-product-addons/woocommerce-product-addons.php, woocommerce-product-bundles/woocommerce-product-bundles.php, woocommerce-services/woocommerce-services.php, woocommerce/woocommerce.php, woorewards/woorewards.php, wooswipe/wooswipe.php, wp-cerber/wp-cerber.php, wp-optimize/wp-optimize.php, wp-staging/wp-staging.php, wp-whatsapp-chat/wp-whatsapp-chat.php, wt-smart-coupons-for-woocommerce/wt-smart-coupon.php, wt-woocommerce-sequential-order-numbers/wt-advanced-order-number.php, yith-woocommerce-brands-add-on/init.php, yith-woocommerce-gift-cards/init.php
Sending Method: MailPoet
Sending Frequency: 25 emails every 5 minutes
MailPoet sending info: Send all site's emails with: default WordPress sending method - Task Scheduler method: Action Scheduler - Cron ping URL: https://www.doggieboat.co.uk?mailpoet_router&endpoint=cron_daemon&action=ping - Default FROM address: [email protected] - Default Reply-To address: - Bounce Email Address: [email protected]
Total number of subscribers: 501
Plugin installed at: 2024-02-07 09:39:26
Installed via WooCommerce onboarding wizard: false
]]>Background & Settings:
Activation Key is Valid.
Sending with MailPoet Service is Activated.
Domain is Verified (DNS settings all green)
Mailing Works For:
WordPress e-mails, Paid Membership Pro emails.
Mailing Fails For:
I Have Tried:
Waiting For Test E-mail Arrival.
Not using MailPoet Sending Service.
Using WP SMTP Plugin.
Reinstalling MailPoet to Factory Settings.
I’ve had zero luck. MailPoet is the only plugin not sending e-mails.
Any Recommendations (outside of the existing documentation which has been followed, already)?
Our Task Scheduler is currently showing connected, however I read in a KB article that if the Task Scheduler connected and not sending then our account may be suspended. Although this may only apply to those who are using the Mailpoet Sending Service. Let us know if you see any issues that may be conflicting our scheduled emails.
]]>When i post a new product, it does not go to icegram at all.
I check in reports section and there is nothing. I have more than 50 products posted but noone of them is the icegram to be sent.
All settings are done correctly.
I uninstalled and delated the plugin and i installed and activeted it again.
But again the same issue. The new products are not in my post notification.
I checked the post notification settings and they are done correctly.
]]>The form behavior is set on Ajax either on loading and on submission.
Please let me know as soon as possible if this can be fixxed,
Kind regards.
I have set up defender as well as some other WPMU plugins on my website. However, I am not receiving any emails from any of the plugins. Defender is the most noticeable one as I had a 2FA set up and when I would try to log in I wouldn’t be sent a code. I ended up having to go through my site’s file manager and delete the plugin manually, just to be able to log in and disable the 2FA.
I also had the same issue with Hustle when I tested the signup form to check it was working I wouldn’t receive any confirmation email to check it had worked.
How do I solve this issue to get the WPMU Plugins properly working on my website?
Many Thanks
]]>Today I wanted to send a test-email, but I didn’t receive anything. However, I get a notice that the email has been sent. The error log is showing errors since January 31st.
It’s showing:
mss [2023-02-05T23:42:31.598533+00:00] mss.ERROR: key-validation.failed {“http_code”:403,”home_url”:”OUR SITE URL”,”key_type”:”premium…
We’re only using the free plugin, not the Premium extension. It worked fine before, especially after authorizing our domain. Can anybody tell me where it’s going wrong?
Problems started with an active install of MailPoet 4.5.2 and are also present with 4.6.0.
Kind regards!