We still have ON = Enable automatic follow-up emails with an invitation to submit a review
Order status ON = On complete status on the order pages.
From the order received after the 31/07/2024, on the order raw, we see only “No reminder has been sent yet”.
On the other old orders (whem working) we saw: No reminders have been sent yet ; A reminder is scheduled for10 August 2024, 11:18 (GMT+0200).
What I have to do for resolve it?
Thank you!
.. and it just like that it suddenly looks on the site…
It has worked before, and I haven’t changed anything to it..
www.opsholders.com/lt/ and etc….
]]>my website:
one of additional domains:
I believe after WP update the plugin doesn’t work anymore. Meaning it doesn’t serve the images to respected browser widths. Tested on chrome and firefox with ?debug=true.
website: mantasmilka.com
you need to login to bypass under construction
login: stack
pw: overflow
]]>You are viewing this page instead of the image you requested. This is part of the debugging capabilities of the Adaptive Images plugin. Seeing this means the plugin is running alright and that the .htaccess configuration file is setup correctly!
Client width 568
Pixel density 2
Resolution 1366
Cache writable YESUser settings
==============$resolutions 5120,2560,1920,1366,1024,828,640,320
$cache_dir cache/adaptive-images
$jpg_quality 75
$sharpen TRUE
$watch_cache TRUE
$browser_cache 15552000Image requested
================Image /wp-content/uploads/2017/05/002Page3-1.png
Exists YES
Mime image/png
Dimensions 2866×2048
Size 95627