I have seen a very significant increase in the number of customers who are no longer able to use the “One Click” feature. For many people, it spins and spins and nothing is ever imported. For a smaller number of people, they cannot use the manual import either. This seems to be true for both Elementor data and also regular WordPress blog posts and pages.
When I recommend customers switch over to the WordPress Importer plugin, everything works fine. Nothing about my import files has changed from when the plugin worked well for the vast majority of customers. If this is the new way, I am afraid I will have to abandon this plugin as it is creating a very frustrating experience, when it is supposed to make everything simpler.
Is there anything you can recommend to improve performance? Or anything that you can rollback to the earlier versions of this plugin? Thank you!
]]>But I have a problem in tracking the impressions and CTRs. For example in the page Best funny romantic comedy novels for crazy love story lovers | Whats #Trending Now in Books, it shows %conversion greater than 100%, which means the clicks are greater than impressions.
How is that possible?
]]>I’m a writer and I was told that a blog would be a good way to get my stuff out there. So tada!
I’m looking for feedback, clearly. Are there things you like and dislike about it? What turns you on? Sure, most of my content is geared towards writing, things that I read and write, etc. Basically it’s my blog. It’s about me. I’m so original I should have marble statues erected in my honor. Sometimes geeky topics slip in the mix: reviews of video games, trysts with Google products, etc. You understand. You’ve been there.
It’s still kinda new. And by kinda I mean it’s been gathering dust for a few months but I’m working on it. Geez. I’ll get off my butt soon.
More specifically, I want to try to make use of that gosh darned footer. Suggestions?