I am using the PayPal Standard option for the Payment Gateway as the Default. when I click the Donate page, I am able to complete a PayPal donation using a credit card. the screen returns to my site, and I see the Success Page noting my credit card donation.
I have Offline Donation enabled in Settings. if I choose this option on the form, fill in the input boxes, click Donate, I do not receive a Success page or any further instructions of what to do next.
in addition, the Donation Total in the Donation Summary section does not update with the proper balance using a custom dollar amount. the default contribution is $25, the custom amount is $1, but the Donation Total remains at $25.
in addition, the checkbox to agree to the Terms of Service does not display.
how do I fix these problems with Offline Donation?
]]>I’m using the Give plug-in for my wedding site. I’m struggling in the customization of the offline donation instructions email, the modification I try to apply are not effective. I didn’t even understand if it is customizable since an image of a locker appears aside the settings.
Thanks in advance for any help!
]]>TL;DR: I kindly ask for a code snippet to recreate another offline donation gateway with separate instructions and a separate label.
First of all, thank you for this amazing plugin.
I have just one query which pretty certainly is a lot easier for you to solve than me learning how to register a new payment gateway.
Basically, I need a copy of the offline donation with exactly the same settings and all, just with modified instructions. In the instructions we will display a QR code in order to donate and tell the people to send us the transaction id.
Do you think you could provide me with a relevant snippet?
Thanks in advance!
Currently it is only PayPal, Stripes, and AuthorizeNet
]]>How can I change it?
Thanks in advance!
I ran into a weird issue with the plugin. It is no longer displaying my payment gateways that I have configured in settings. As of now there are only 2 –?PayPal and Offline donation. The plugin still functions (through PayPal), but now guests no longer have the option of offline donations and seeing the steps needed in order to make an offline donation. I noticed this in the code, if it helps (see the two “display: none;” functions):
<fieldset id="give-payment-mode-select" style="display: none;">
<legend class="give-payment-mode-label">Select Payment Method <span class="give-loading-text" style="display: none;"><span class="give-loading-animation"></span>
<div id="give-payment-mode-wrap">
<ul id="give-gateway-radio-list">
<li class="give-gateway-option-selected">
<input name="payment-mode" class="give-gateway" id="give-gateway-paypal-276" value="paypal" checked="checked" type="radio">
<label for="give-gateway-paypal-276" class="give-gateway-option" id="give-gateway-option-paypal"> PayPal</label>
Offline donations isn’t even listed in the code, though again, it is present in the settings. Just wondering what could have happened? Thanks for any help!
]]>First off, thanks for a cool and useful plugin
Second, I have added an amount to offline donations and it is not adding to my PayPal total as shown on the Olimeter.
I have done this once before successfully, but it is not working this time. I believe the PP account may be closed (the website is not connected to the organization that owns the account). Does this matter?
I have waited an hour and refreshed many times – to no avail. Ideas?