I hope this email finds you well.I am using both the Offload Media plugin and MediaPress on my website. However, I’ve encountered an issue where Offload Media doesn’t seem to support the MediaPress plugin.
Upon reaching out to the MediaPress team, they clarified that their plugin uses custom hooks prefixed with mpp_ instead of the standard WordPress hooks (e.g., wp_upload_file).Would it be possible for your team to add compatibility for MediaPress’s hooks (mpp_) so that media uploaded via MediaPress can also be offloaded seamlessly?
This feature would be incredibly helpful and improve integration between the two plugins.Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
]]>13-Dec-2024 16:42:26 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘wordpressdb.wp_tel_10_options’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT option_value FROM wp_tel_10_options WHERE option_name = ‘wp_tel_10_user_roles’ LIMIT 1 made by require_once(‘wp-admin/network/admin.php’), require_once(‘wp-admin/admin.php’), do_action(‘load-settings_page_amazon-s3-and-cloudfront’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, Amazon_S3_And_CloudFront->plugin_load, Amazon_S3_And_CloudFront->get_notifications, AS3CF_Notices->get_notices, apply_filters(‘as3cf_get_notices’), WP_Hook->apply_filters, DeliciousBrains\WP_Offload_Media\Pro\Tool->maybe_add_tool_errors_to_notice, Amazon_S3_And_CloudFront->switch_to_blog, switch_to_blog, do_action(‘switch_blog’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, wp_switch_roles_and_user, WP_Roles->for_site, WP_Roles->
]]>Thank you Media Cloud Sync Team
In contrast, the Media Cloud Sync plugin stands out as sleek, efficient, and straightforward. There’s no unnecessary bloat, upselling, or aggressive upgrade prompts. It simply delivers on its promises. In just four minutes, we connected to our DigitalOcean CDN and uploaded a test image—easy as that. There are no limitations, no stripped-down features, and nothing that compromises performance or security.
We plan to support this project by purchasing the pro version, although the free version meets all our needs perfectly. Kudos to the team for a job well done!
]]>Then while debugging I turned this plugin off, and everything came back to life, so I had to go through a pain full process of migrating from this plugin to the WP Offload Media plugin.
All I am saying is, if somehow the person responsible for maintaining this plugin can look into this as to why does it take so much time to load, I am sure, not the only who faced this issue.
]]>I am using a plugin Simple Local Avatars to add an Avatar image file to user profiles. Any image file uploaded has a Server URL. Example as https://www.site.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/abc.jpg
But after usage of the Offload Remaining Now option via Dashboard -> Settings -> WP Offload Media -> Tools -> Offload Remaining Now
Media files are being offloaded. (Remove Local Media Option at Media Menu also Turned ON)
The URL of the avatar image uploaded becomes an Example
But for these Avatar images as when the site is loaded. These offloaded media files’ local URL is not rewritten to point to the Amazon Cloudfront URL.
Importantly, for the site’s other images, this plugin properly serves offloaded media files by rewriting the local URL so that they point to the Amazon Cloudfront URL.
when i upload a image named “impur.png” in cloud it is like
impur.png 100*100
impur.png 300*300 like multiple images are getting uploaded of same file
i have uncheck multiple plugins, also i have checked on new install version of WordPress with just offload media plugin still problem exist
After testing several plugins, including the original (an now defunct, so don’t use it) “DigitalOcean Spaces Sync” it seems the market is getting cornered by a plugin from a company that rhymes with deliciousrain. No thank you.
Unlike the competition, the Offload Media – Cloud Storage plugin is elegant, nimble and lean. No bloat, upselling or pushy upgrading. It does what it offers. It took us 4 minutes to connect to our subdomain DO CDN and upload a test image. Done. No quotas, no crippled features, no gimmicky stuff that just makes you nervous the performance or security of your installation has been sacrificed.
We will support this project purchasing the pro version, even though we may not install it as this free version does exactly what we need.
Good job and thank you!