* Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles-rtl.css
* Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles-rtl.min.css
* Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles.css
* Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles.min.css
Is this a false alert or do I indeed need to remove these files?
Thanks for any help
]]>1. If, due to some reason, the backup was interrupted or stopped, how the temporary zip files are handled ? After how much duration do they removed ?
2. What happens to old logs ? How they are handled ?
3. What happens to old job’s data in database ? How it is handled ?
]]>My site has a recent scan, and the result indicated that after the last update, old core files were left behind.
How can I remove them safely? Thanks.
]]>How does it display correctly? (I’ve set up Rewrite Media URLs and Custom Domain CNAME like in the old plugin). Thanks!
]]>My question is, how can I completely remove this plugin? I can’t seem to find any info of that anywhere, least of all on the official helpdesk. Thank you in advance.
]]>I had to take a hiatus from the blog in early 2010, I believe it was; and I didn’t touch the site for a very long time. Once in a while I would pay a visit to it, when I wanted to send someone a copy of what I had written about an issue; but I never upgraded WordPress; and, eventually, I could no longer access the site.
I tried to get help from Earthlink; but, because I had skipped several upgrades, they claimed that I had installed it individually and they therefore couldn’t help me. So I’ve been unable to get back to it and bring in up to date.
Today, I got someone at Earthlink to install the latest version; but now I cannot “see” my old blogs; and, I don’t believe the answer is to simply copy the old files from the old WordPress folder into the new folder——or, maybe it is.
What is the solution to this dilemma. I want to restore the old site; but don’t know how to go about it.
]]>I have started working at a company that runs a woocommerce business and I have been charged with fixing a number of issues even though I am very new to this. I understand that it would be helpful to have a link, but since this is an employer I am trying to avoid having their information posted.
What I am really looking for is an explanation of certain mechanisms to understand what is happening with the site. Whenever I go to update the theme (Outlet 1.6 is being used, 2.0 is the current version: https://goo.gl/TU3TdJ) the site crashes by going completely white. I checked on the current woocommerce template files being used by the theme and many of them are in the 1.6.x range, while others are current. I am using a method of uploading the theme manually through FTP with the theme renamed in the style.css. Other themes will display some unusual markup related to the theme we are using, but none of them break entirely.
What I am looking to figure out is: What is so tied to the old woocommerce files that it would cause an entire site to go blank? Even a lesser malfunction would confuse me since updating the theme simultaneously updates the woocommerce templates. What am I missing?
Many apologies if my post is not within forum policies. I understand this is a woocommerce and specific theme related question, but I was hoping for some general insight. Feel free to critique or close this post if I need to be pointed in a different direction.
]]>I use version 3.0.6 of BackWpUp
SugarSync configured to keep 7 files in the folder, but it doesn’t delete the old ones since update to 3.0 version