I was able to log back into admin with no problems and deactivate the plugin. Trouble is that now the damage is done. The website is trashed and did not correct itself after deactivation of the plugin. It appears now that I have to rebuild the site again. I didn’t have a backup since I’m just beginning to set up the website during the last couple weeks and wasn’t to that needing it point yet, I thought.
Thanks a lot for adding numerous big problems to my endeavors and putting a halt to my production along with increasing my workload. Quite the theme you have here; very good at malicious behavior and destruction.
1. Низачто не устанавливайте эту тему.
2. Если установили, никогда не обновляйте!
I was going to add the link the php code perhaps but cannot find the file which builds the Home Page Menu. At present, all the links lead to Home Page Sections and I would like to put at least one link on the menu which leads inside the site, such as my Table of Contents page.
Can someone please inform me where or how to ad the link to my Home Page Menu? I do have two other custom menus created, one for vertical side menu and one for pages/posts pages. Thanks for any assist with this little thing.
]]>The youtube video background has troubles loading. It may load after continually refreshing the site. How can I fix this?
]]>wp version 4.9.6