I believe this could be a great plugin if it didn’t prevent Opera browsers from uploading images causing the dreaded “invalid nonce” error.
I have tested it on FF, Chrome and Edge without issues.
Is this a bug and is there a way to exclude Opera browsers from LS Cache in the meantime?
Your help will be appreciated.
]]>it shows me this instead. please solve this issue. thanks
An error occurred while running 'mapSelect': Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getErrorForSelector')
The error may be correlated with this previous error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getErrorForSelector')
at Object.current (https://xxxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-wp-dashboard-01ab9d8acda01a2ca615.js:54:10559)
at e (https://xxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-vendor-3768ea49b07e3fd1421f.js:1:190209)
at https://xxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-vendor-3768ea49b07e3fd1421f.js:1:190318
at Ui (https://xxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-vendor-3768ea49b07e3fd1421f.js:1:823228)
at va (https://xxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-vendor-3768ea49b07e3fd1421f.js:1:846151)
at t.unstable_runWithPriority (https://xxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-vendor-3768ea49b07e3fd1421f.js:1:865774)
at Mr (https://xxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-vendor-3768ea49b07e3fd1421f.js:1:790880)
at Yj (https://xxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-vendor-3768ea49b07e3fd1421f.js:1:842580)
at Lj (https://xxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-vendor-3768ea49b07e3fd1421f.js:1:832940)
at https://xxx/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/dist/assets/js/googlesitekit-vendor-3768ea49b07e3fd1421f.js:1:791171
Original stack trace:
in WPDashboardPopularPages
in WithWidgetComponentProps(WPDashboardPopularPages)
in div
in WPDashboardWidgets
in div
in WPDashboardApp
in RestoreSnapshots
in ErrorHandler
in Root
]]>When going to the homepage URL, I am redirected to wp-admin page or login page (if I’am loggout). Other post pages display ok. Links to the homepage available on posts open the homepage correctly.
This happens on Opera Browser only when type homepage URL. Other browsers like Brave, Firefox display the homepage correctly.
I deleted cache of the server as well as of all browsers.
There were no changes in htaccess file recently.
It is weird, why Opera browser behave badly? Is is a thing in the browser itself? Perhaps someone had the same problem?
]]>Thanks in advance.
]]>This is a bug report:
Description of the issue:
When clicking the “Checkout” button in woocommerce cart page, Opera browser crashes without any further message. The browser application shuts down and restarts. I am unable to get to the Checkout page, while stripe plugin is activated on the site.
This happens on two independent WordPress installations. One of which is a multisite setup; and this only happens, when using Opera browser.
I first noticed it on one of the two websites.. and I was unable to narrow it down to stripe plugin. but then I installed stripe gateway on another website and saw the very same issue again. I disabled stripe right away and everything went back to normal. I was able to go to checkout from cart page without opera browser shut down.
So I thought, lets give this a try on that other website as well and see if stripe is activated over there too. It was. So I deactivated, and was finally able to go to checkout on that website as well.
I am seeing this issue for while now; but can not tell which plugin version was the one, where this issue started to happen.
Maybe the developers need to look into this.
The sites, where I had to deactivate stripe plugin, are https://plantbasedkochschule.de and https://ckvoicelessons.de
Any suggestions?
This was on the latest update of opera browser on my 64bit win7 laptop, i then changed the password to see if that worked but no still the same results as above but on every other browser on my laptop the login works (chrome, ff) and also works on my android nexus 7 tablet on both chrome and opera browser.
I have cleared the history and cookies from the opera version on the laptop and updated every plugin and also done the whole switching off of plugins and every trick in the book but still that one browser will not budge ,i will try my tower system later to see if this is just an isolated event but it is really strange seeing as it was ok yesterday and i altered nothing at all or made 1 post or product listing.