how is it possible to combine two (or more) taxonomies so that a notification is sent only if all of them are true?
Example (using the Plugin WPAdverts):
advert_location/Berlin AND advert_category/househunting
I also have the taxonomy advert_category/houseoffer but don’t want to send a notification when something is posted there.
When I check both taxonomies in the settings it is interpreted as OR.
Thank you
in our shop we have a product where “h+” is part of its product name, hence part of title, description etc.
When a user types “h+” to find that respective product, a search results list pops up that includes all catregories where the letter “h” is part of category name as well as dozens of products with the letter “h” in any of the indexed fields.
Obviously the plugin handles the plus sign as a search operater and not as a letter to match query with indexed content.
We already checked the documentation and tried to resolve by using “+” as a stop word and by setting “h+” as a synonym to “hplus”. But the search behaviour did not change.
Is there a way to let the plugin handle “+” like an usual letter?
]]>[searchandfilter fields="ngg_tag" types="checkbox" operators="and"]
]]>I want to send an e-mail to [email protected] if Field 1 does not include either of the text string values “Value1” nor “Value2”.
I tried separating the values with a comma but that didn’t work (as it takes it all as one string, I assume).
If I create two rules, one that will use “Is Not” Value1 and the other one “Is Not” Value2, then it will send two e-mails if Value3 is inserted, right? I don’t want that either.
Can I use any operators for the Condition field? Eg. Send e-mail to [email protected] if the Value field IS NOT Value1 OR Value2?
Best regards,
Thanks for this great plugin, it’s exactly what i was looking for and the code it pretty clean!
One of my requirement was to be able to filter by a custom taxonomy value OR another value. While looking at the doc and settings, i could not find anything regarding a OR statement, and the behavior default to AND.
Once i stepped into the code i saw that the plugin actually supports a operators attribute allowing this behavior.
It would be awesome if you could add this to the docs so people don’t dismiss this plugin because of this important feature seems to be missing but is actually implemented.
Have a great day
]]>I’m collecting customer complaints, and I want to show only those that apply to field 10: “SA – MT BARKER” (that part works fine), but also exclude all form submissions where field 6 equals “Praise”. What am I doing wrong?
[gravitywp_count formid=”2″ filter_field=”6″ filter_operator=’isnot’ filter_value=”Praise” filter_field=”10″ filter_value=”SA – MOUNT BARKER”]
Thanks so much for your help.
show [group-nobmi] if [bmi] is empty “0”
show [group-bmi-status-underweight] if [bmi] equals “19”
show [group-bmi-status-overweight] if [bmi] > “25”
show [group-bmi-status-normalweight] if [bmi] is empty “19”
show [group-bmicounsel] if [bmi] > “25”
Also, I need a between operator. Is this possible? For example, normal BMI is between 19 and 25. How can I create a conditional field that would show a group for this range of answers?
]]>I would like to find out how can I get the greater than or less than operator in the equation builder?
The sport I am trying to setup is Ringball, where bonus points are allocated when certain
conditions are met, eg: when goals reach 50, losing within 7, winning with more than 7
Basically I need something like this
“If Score greater than 50 add bonus point” (How to create this)
IF((fieldname8, SP) * AND((fieldname7 > 2879.17)) , 2879.17, IF((fieldname8, SP) * AND(fieldname7, < 2879.17) , fieldname7 , IF(fieldname8, MP) * (AND(fieldname7 > 3629.17 , fieldname7) , 3629.17 , fieldname7)))
Fieldname8 is a dropdown box with just 2 options: SP and MP, each with a number value.
The Excel equation looks like this: =IF((B17="SP")*AND(B14>2879.17),2879.17,IF((B17="SP")*AND(B14<2879.17),B14,IF((B17="MP")*AND(B14>3629.17,B14),3629.17,B14)))
Obviously B17 is fieldname7 and B14 is fieldname8 (a number)
i have multiple posts that share multiple tags, [A, B and C] and i want to make a grid that shows only the posts that has only the category A but not the ones that have also B and C, (even if they also include the tag A on then).
An exclusive operator would be ideal (in addition to the ones that already include your plugin, let me know if theres something i can do to display this.