My question is are there still any ways to create an OPML export from a WordPress site, or is OPML simply not worth the trouble anymore when you have RSS feeds readily available?
]]>At my site, when I go to import the hosted site, wants an OPML file. I cannot figure out how to export an OPML file from my hosted WP website. The only thing I can find to export is an XML file, and does not accept it.
I have been unable to find a plugin that lets me export all of my blog posts to
Any help, please?
]]><outline type="category" title="Blogroll">
<outline text="wordpress" type="link" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl="" updated=""/>
<outline text="wordpress2" type="link" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl="" updated=""/>
I would imagine it is like the below?
<outline type="category" title="Blogroll">
<outline image="" text="wordpress" type="link" xmlUrl="" htmlUrl="" updated="" />
Any help is appreciated. I just want to point to the image location.
]]>I like your plugin, very well done – thanks
here’s a useful piece of code for anyone wanting to migrate there WP-links to TeachPress …
for the install WP shortcode
Here’s the code for the ones that can implement it themselves, there is some parsing in there for my own usage but you get the idea… create a file called wp-links-bibtex.php in you wp root … then load it from the front end – it will creat a .txt file with the re-formated linkks to bibtex.
* Outputs the BibTex format from the OPML XML format for getting the links defined in the link
* administration. This can be used to export links from one blog over to
* TeachPress or any other BibTex manager. Links aren't exported by the WordPress export, so this file handles
* that.
* This file is not added by default to WordPress theme pages when outputting
* feed links. It will have to be added manually for browsers and users to pick
* up that this file exists.
* @package WordPress
header('Content-Type: text/txt; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'), true);
$link_cat = '';
if ( !empty($_GET['link_cat']) ) {
$link_cat = $_GET['link_cat'];
if ( !in_array($link_cat, array('all', '0')) )
$link_cat = absint( (string)urldecode($link_cat) );
if ( empty($link_cat) )
$cats = get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'link_category', 'hierarchical' => 0));
$cats = get_categories(array('taxonomy' => 'link_category', 'hierarchical' => 0, 'include' => $link_cat));
$myCounterA = 2000;
foreach ( (array)$cats as $cat ) :
$catname = apply_filters('link_category', $cat->name);
$bookmarks = get_bookmarks(array("category" => $cat->term_id));
$myCounterB = 0;
foreach ( (array)$bookmarks as $bookmark ) :
$title = apply_filters('link_title', $bookmark->link_name);
$description = apply_filters('link_title', $bookmark->link_description);
$arr = explode(' ', $bookmark->link_updated);
$date = $arr[0];
$is_university = "";
$is_protocol = "";
$is_link = "";
//$cleanTitle = ord($title);
$cleanTitle = $title;
if ( strpos($description, "Protocol") !== false || strpos($description, "protocol") !== false || strpos($description, "Procedure") || strpos($description, "procedure") || strpos($description, "description") || strpos($description, "technique") ) {
$is_protocol = "Protocol, ";
$title = $cleanTitle;
} else if ( is_numeric($cleanTitle[0]) && $cleanTitle[1] != "-") {
$title = str_replace(". ", "", strstr($cleanTitle, "."));
$title = str_replace(".", "", $title);
$is_university = "university, ";
} else {
$is_link = "link, ";
$title = $cleanTitle;
@misc{sc-<?php echo $myCounterA ."-". $myCounterB; ?>, title = {<?php echo $title;?>}, url = {<?php echo esc_attr($bookmark->link_url); ?>}, date = {<?php echo $date; ?>}, abstract = {<?php echo $description; ?>}, keywords = {<?php echo $is_university . $is_protocol . $is_link; ?> <?php echo $catname; ?>}}
//echo "\n";
endforeach; // $bookmarks
//echo "\n";
endforeach; // $cats
]]>The blog list in Blogger is basically a classic blogroll with a title, link and a thumbnail url. You can create multiple blog lists categories on a single Blogger blog and display them in the sidebar, for example “Friends”, “Music”, etc.
My first thought was that I could import the blogroll with the OPML-import tool from WordPress, but I can’t find any way to export the blog lists from Blogger.
So, any suggestions on how I can import the blog lists from Blogger to WordPress? Or export a OPML-file with the blog lists from Blogger? I’m new to the Blogger platform so I might have overlooked something in the documentation or in the settings section.
]]>Considering that i could have one master blog, formwhich the other blogs would for example fetch the link set with /wp-links-opml.php and update.
The only plugin i found so far having this feature is WP_LinkTools. I’ll start to look into that one, but if you have any hints of other good plugins that would either do what i described or reach the same goal even with better design, i’d greatly appreciate it.
br, Cuc