I am trying to change the body text (the text below the header) when recieving a mail from an order. I have copied the customer-processing-order.php to child theme and edited the text but it does not show. Under ‘Processing Order’ in Woocommerce – Settings – Email I have it set to HTML.
Within ‘Processing Order’ I can edit the “Additional information” and it shows up in the mail.
When editing this specific code:
<?php translators ?>
<p><?php printf( esc_html__( 'Hey det her er en test Just to let you know — we\'ve received your order #%s, and it is now being processed:', 'woocommerce' ), esc_html( $order->get_order_number() ) ); ?></p>
Nothing happens. On my emails it is translated to my native tongue, so I’m wondering if that’s the cause? I have no translating plug-ins, which makes it even more puzzling.
Any clue what I am doing wrong?
]]>I just started my WooCommerce shop one week ago and everything went fine. After about 40 orders, WooCommerce suddenly stopped to send emails for new orders to me as an admin.
Moreover, I never reveived any emails when orders were cancelled even though I activated that.
And I don’t know whether my customers actually get their emails anymore, which worries me the most.
Can you help me?
I am using WooCommerce 5.1.0 and the yaymail plugin for customizing (but this plugin is working well – we have checked with their customer support already)
]]>When I click “Resend new order notification” in the back office, the mail is sent. The Scheduled Actions log says “action complete via WP Cron”. I would say Asyns request is not working; WP cron does work.
Do I run all mail through WP Cron? Or how do I get Asyns to work?
Thanks a lot
]]>I wanted to know is there a way to attach an uploaded file that exist in the order section to the email? I need a code that let me to attach this file to the cofirtmation mail that I am going to send to the customer.
I want to avoid to use pdf invoice maker plugins and I just want to attach my files to the email.
Thank you
Last few days to I face one problem for the order.
woocommerce orders showing one order, but I get the same invoice two logistic mail.
but it’s not for all orders every day one or two orders. I just share two different screenshots.
there i get one logestic mail –> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ULklNy9cGFN8EfJw8TxDDXDsRzvUBhgm/view?usp=sharing
there i get 2 logestic mail –> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pRzDsUXB09o3RktEm8eIweCOyGaqRzu2/view?usp=sharing
my website address is –> sleep-tech.com
Then all plugins except WooCommerce are deactivated and the order mail starts working. One by one, the plugin is then activated and it turns out that Boster for WooCommers is the problem and more specifically Order Custom Statuses.
When Default Order Status in Order Custom Statuses is set to On Hold, all order emails are blocked for some reason.
Tested when only plugin Order Custom Statuses and WooCommerce are activated so there seems to be no conflict with other plugins.
Quite strange that this should block all order mail?
WordPress 5.3.2
WooCommerce 3.9.2
Booster for WooCommerce 4.7.1
Tested with Themes: Vantage 1.14.4, Twenty Sixteen 2.0, Twenty Nineteen 1.4
Tested with php 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4
Parabéns, vc fez um ótimo trabalho no pluin, porque facilitou em muito a vida dos usuários de woocommerce!
O campo CPF n?o sai no mail de compra que o vendedor recebe qdo o usuário tenta comprar. Pq?
Vc poderia fazer o CPF sair neste mail de compra?
]]>Hope some one can help me.
Have a nice Sunday everyone!