This plus-segn does not dissappear and is in the way of editing the list, because the sign covers the text in the list.
This was not the case in WordPress 6.0. It turns up in version 6.1.
How do I remove this plus-segn?
]]>Is there a workaround or a plugin or ANYTHING to enable a user to view the total stock ORDERED, but not yet completed or cancelled?
It seems like a huge problem if I’m being honest – how is a shop with hundreds of products ever supposed to do a physicial inventory check if there are hundreds of pending orders at all times?
]]>Can someone help me with the complete code that I can put in the style.css?
]]>Is there a way to write additional css for a portfolio layout to present the first 5 images for example in a layout then randomize the remaining there after.
It would allow me to feature some recent images then show previous images in a randomized order.
Any help would be appreciated.
Regards FKD Studio
]]>Cheers and TIA
<ol type=”A”>
1. Coffee
2. Tea
3. Milk
How to change Ordered list style on this theme? i want second line with long sentences same with first line.. i describe with image below.