Any geniuses out there?
I just used the theme (Oria) for my website.
Unfortunately now it seems that the theme is not mobile friendly following de Google webmaster tool.
The images and the title in the Top banner seem to work (are responsive) in the customizer, but when I check it on my mobile devices (Iphone & Ipad) the image and the title are not responsive.
Any known or unknown bug that I’m not aware of?
Any fixes so that I can make my website mobile friendly for the Google webmaster tool?
I searched the forums but searching for the word search was tough but brought up no results.
I installed the Oria theme on 2 domains tonight after I realized sometime after the initial loading of the theme and set up the + to expand search popup had disappeared. When I setup again on a new domain clean I found out that whenever I change the default landing page to a static page from posts the + disappears.
I am guessing it’s a CSS bug but wondered if you had any suggestions I would appreciate it.
Your theme is amazing out of the box. so much about it is perfect. thank you!
Many thanks
]]>I checked your forum and this was the only item that seemed close. I attempted this method and it didn’t produce the results I was looking for.
To reiterate: We need the top portion to have a white background with no filter/transparency setting sitting on top.
]]>Issue #1 : I’ve set my homepage showing article number to 12. When I reach to bottom of my main page and click to “older posts” button, older posts not coming as 3 column tiles. Instead they come as 1 column till the bottom of the page. How could i fix it so when i click to “older posts” article tiles come as default 3 column style?
Issue #2 : On my main menu, some of the menu titles is long and becuse of the widht of drop down menu is short they create 2 line. I want to expand width of the menu so all of titles will fit to 1 line.
Thank you.
Best regards
thanks a lot ..
]]>In the carousel, I’ve some vertically oriented photos, and when they appear in the carousle, the height of the carousel changes and it makes the whole page scroll a little bit. That’s annoying.
I’d like to set the height a little more large, in order to avoid this problem.
I guess I’ve to change the PHP code slider.php
Any idea how?
thanks a lot.