I am using your plugin on https://nimil.in/geometrik/portfolio/ and it was working great but now portfolio navigation(portfolio images/slider navigation) is not working in laptop.
Thanks in advance for reply or suggestion :-):-)
]]>There’s not a problem about usage. But i really want to add a lightbox effect to otw portfolio light plugin.
After a lon search experience, i found this article
after read the plugin author answer. I started to try change codes in php documents. but of course my php knowladge is not enough to do that
maybe author or other developers help me to figure out.
Here is my path;
i found code in otw-prtfolio-filterable.php
<?php if (have_posts()): while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<li data-type="<?php foreach(get_the_terms($post->ID, 'otw-portfolio-category') as $term) echo $term->slug.' ' ?>" data-id="id-<?php echo($post->post_name) ?>">
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class('otw-portfolio-item'); ?>>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" class="otw-portfolio-item-link">
<div class="image">
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail()) { ?>
<?php the_post_thumbnail('otw-portfolio-medium'); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<div style="background:url(<?php echo plugins_url( '/otw-portfolio-light/images/pattern-1.png' ) ?>);width:<?php echo get_option('otw_pfl_thumb_size_w', '303'); ?>px;height:<?php echo get_option('otw_pfl_thumb_size_h', '210'); ?>px" title="<?php _e( 'No Image', 'otw_pfl' ); ?>"></div>
<?php } ?>
when you click portfolio image, open in new page. but if i figure out to change link,page to image this gives me opportunity to open direct image and than apply lightbox effect by simple add rel=”lightbox”
I have to change this section of codes
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" class="otw-portfolio-item-link">
in i have to add some codes in xxx to call portfolio image but i cant find how it’s gonna be.
as a said my php knowledge is not enough. waiting for your help
]]>Here’s a link to my page: https://naturallystellar.com/2014-urban-belle-holiday-gift-guide/
I’d like to make the font size larger and change the color to black to make navigation easier for anyone landing on the page.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
]]>I’ve been happily using OTW Portfolio for a while now but curiosity got the better of me and I activated Jetpack’s portfolio post option. I decided I liked OTW Portfolio more so deactivated the Jetpack option. However, after this my ‘portfolio’ page stopped working. The page itself was still the same with the OTW shortcode in it but when I clicked on the page on the site’s menu, the portfolio wouldn’t load. But when I changed the OTW Portfolio’s page’s URL to portfolio2 (rather than just portfolio) it worked (see it here working with the portfolio2 url )
Before changing the URL, I tried deactiving and then deleting Jetpack but nothing changed. The OTW portfolio still wouldn’t show when the page with the shortcode had the lauraimurray.com/portfolio URL.
So what I’m wondering if is somehow the preferance for Jetpack’s portfolio using the ‘portfolo’ page URL somehow got hardwired into my theme? Is there anywhere specific I should look to delete it?
It’s not a huge issue, I just use my portfolio for my work and it’s not as professional looking to direct someone to lauraimurray.com/porfolio2 you know?
]]>Can I stop this happening?
I want the image to just appear full but with the following restrictions I’ve already put in place…
I have set a max height and width to prevent tall images taking up the whole screen and margin:auto; to make tall images that have been resized smaller (but keeping heir aspect ratio) to make them centre aligned.
This works great, the only problem, the image is cropped from the initial add by OTW Portfolio.
I’m using the Light version for now.
]]>I think the problem I’m experiencing is because the width of the slider images varies (some are narrower than others). When I click on individual slider images the main image below rotates as it should, but eventually things get off sync as I go along.
To see the effect try clicking one by one on each slider image. Soon you’ll see that the slider images are scrolling way too often compared to the main image below.
I could probably fix the problem by making sure all uploaded images are the same size, but I really can’t do that since my client wants the photos exactly as photographed.
Is there any way to force the images in the top slider to be the same width? I don’t want the images distorted, but I wouldn’t mind if the narrower images had white padding on each side so that the <li>
widths were consistent. I tried hard-coding the width of the <li>
tags in otw-portfolio-post.php, but that had no effect. How can I set the width of the <li>
tags in the slider so that they’re all the same (regardless of the actual image width)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
also when i click on “visit site” i get error from the browser. the full url appears on the address bar but could not load page. i tried it on both on all my browsers.