Jetpack will re-test for HTTPS support once a day, but you can click here to try again immediately:?Try again?WordPress reports no SSL support.
Jetpack Site ID
Jetpack SSL Verfication Bypass No
Offset between Jetpack server's time and this server's time.
Current Jetpack Version Option 13.3.1:1714855607
Previous Jetpack Version 13.3.1:1714855607
Jetpack Site Public Private
Jetpack Master User No master user set.
Jetpack Offline Mode off
Current User #1 Mahira
Tokens defined None
Blog Public Key Not set.
User Public Key Not set.
Jetpack Version 13.3.1
Jetpack Directory /home/shafayat/public_html/
Plan Type free
Server Variable HTTP_HOST
Server Variable SERVER_PORT 443
Server Variable HTTPS on
Server Variable REMOTE_ADDR
Trusted IP false
Full Sync Status {"started":"Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000","finished":"Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000","progress":[],"config":[]}
Sync Queue Size 0
Sync Queue Lag 0 seconds
Full Sync Queue Size 0
Full Sync Queue Lag 0 seconds
IDC URLs {"home":"https:\/\/","siteurl":"https:\/\/","WP_HOME":"","WP_SITEURL":""}
IDC Error Option false
IDC Opt-in 1
Connection Tests {"5":{"name":"test__outbound_http","label":false,"short_description":"Your server did not successfully connect to the Jetpack server using HTTP\n\t\t\t\tPlease ask your hosting provider to confirm your server can make outbound requests to","long_description":false,"severity":"critical","action":false,"action_label":false,"show_in_site_health":true,"pass":false,"group":["default"],"type":"direct"},"6":{"name":"test__outbound_https","label":false,"short_description":"Your server did not successfully connect to the Jetpack server using HTTPS\n\t\t\t\tPlease ask your hosting provider to confirm your server can make outbound requests to","long_description":false,"severity":"critical","action":false,"action_label":false,"show_in_site_health":true,"pass":false,"group":["default"],"type":"direct"}}
]]>When Enhanced Measurement is enabled in GA4 then using your plugin leads to duplicate outbound click events being registered in GA4.
I know that if one digs through enough of your documentation there’s mention somewhere that Enhanced Measurement can conflict with some of your functionality. But really it needs to be made crystal clear below where you add the GA Measurement Id’s in the plugin settings that using Google’s recommended Enhanced Measurement setting will conflict with your default plugin setting! I spent a lot of time troubleshooting this for my client.
FYI, I did submit this same issue via your Lite Support page, but am adding it here also in case other users run into this issue.
]]>I always outbound and inbound links to all my articles but on the yoast analysis , it always shows missing. Sometimes when I keep on updating refresh button, it analysis button does turn green for a while. But then it goes back to showing that outbound and inbound links are missing
Where am I going wrong? Please help
]]>Screenshots here:
All my plugins are up to date, so is my WordPress and Theme.
My theme is Newspaper.
]]>When I turn on the setting for “track downloads, mailto, telephone and outbound links,” where does that data show up?
]]>What are outbound messages?