I have added three services (rooms to be booked either individually or together) and these can be booked in hour increments. Eg Main Room (hourly)
Sometimes the rooms need to be booked for a day and clicking 8 time slots is a pain. I have tried creating another service for the Main Room but labelled daily. When I make a booking for a date where an hourly booking has been made it deletes all the hourly bookings on that day?
How do I make it so if an hourly booking has been made an daily booking cannot please – and it also not delete any hourly bookings on that date too!
]]>I have a page with 6 cover blocks, which now (after the last update on WordPress-dont know if this is relevant) are overlapping creating a mess. Do you know what can i do?
]]>I currently am using the events calendar and it is a great plug-in, but there is one thing which prevents me from using it. The ‘drop down menu/calendar’ in the upper left corner overlaps the header. But when I close the menu, scrol a bit down and opens it again the menu drops down instead of up.
Is there a fix for the annoying problem?
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8juh2
]]>I sit here with a little wordpress problem.
When i go to my website “suuro.com” on the mobile there is a little grey bar under the responsive menu.
I have tried to write “#menu-bar” in the “Elements to hide in mobile” tab in WP responsive menu controlpanel.
When i scroll downwards, this grey bar overlaps the responsive menu.
I have tried to write on the forum already, but noone answared. I also have tried to write on the theme website forum, but noone answared there aswell.
I hope someone can help me with my problem.
]]>After investigation, the margin-bottom on .ai1ec-date is underestimate and it needs a +16px.
Since the margin-bottom is computed in the plugin js, how can i fix this by overriding the calculation js.
]]>I added the search box to allow the user to filter within the table. Unfortunately the search box overlaps the table if you open the page on a mobile phone.
Here you can see what I mean:
Is there any solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance
]]>Thank you!
]]>How can I get rid of that other menu (div#responsive-navid1-menuwrapper)?
How can I position the menu in between elements to it doesn’t overlap?