We’ve been using GiveWP for a few years and implemented the P2P addon shortly after it became available. After the last couple of updates/bug fixes, we’ve started experiencing issues on our site with some donation forms and the P2P Campaign. While the donation forms are corrected, the P2P page appears as a blank white screen. It is related to the cache since it displays correctly when logged in.
We’ve already whitelisted the recommended pages as outlined here in our caching plugin https://givewp.com/documentation/resources/caching/#page-caching
While troubleshooting the issue, I’ve found that the P2P page does load correctly if I also whitelist the campaign page in WP Rocket, however, doing so causes an issue with the donation forms on our site resulting in styles not loading until user interaction. So the layout looks broken in the forms until mouse-move, for example. Removing the whitelisted campaign page from the WP Rocket advanced rules and flushing caching layers, fixes the donation forms but then we are right back to a blank screen for the campaign.
This is endlessly frustrating and has never happened before with this campaign, which has been running for a while.
]]>I found the following plugins:
What is inpost compatibility?
THX Radek
]]>I found the following plugins:
What is inpost compatibility?
THX Radek
]]>but as per the positions/departments I need them in specific order. Even if I can make it no-order or delete all and then add as per order it still show me in alphabetical order.
I want it to be drag n drop if possible or no-order, like as we add them.
Here is the code:
function my_connection_types_legalupdates() {
p2p_register_connection_type( array(
'name' => 'practices_to_legalupdates',
'from' => 'practices',
'to' => 'legalupdates',
'admin_box' => 'to'
add_action( 'p2p_init', 'my_connection_types_legalupdates' );
please help!
]]>I asssume it comes from a conflic with Posts2Posts (Included in the BadgeOS plugin), because I can see this kind of errors on Query Monitor coming from the p2p folder:
Connection name ‘%s’ is longer than 44 characters.
Once I shorten the post slugs, the problem goes away.
Anyone else having this issues?
Any suggestions?
Features needed include:
A tree to display downlines
admin ability to assign new members to existing members
user ability to confirm payment received
4 levels in a cycle
Withdrawal order button for users
public function save($post_id, WP_Post $post) {
if ( ! $this->is_valid_save_request( $post ) ) {
$post_id = $this->get_real_post_id( $post_id );
$this->save_context = array(
'source_blog' => get_current_blog_id(),
'source_post' => $post,
'real_post_type' => $this->get_real_post_type( $post ),
'real_post_id' => $post_id,
// Get the post
$post_data = get_post( $post_id, ARRAY_A );
$post_meta = $this->get_post_meta_to_transfer();
// Get the post connections
$post_connection = p2p_get_meta( $post_id, 'type', true);
/** This filter is documented in inc/advanced-translator/Mlp_Advanced_Translator_Data.php */
$post_data = apply_filters( 'mlp_pre_save_post', $post_data, $this->save_context );
if ( ! $post_data || ! is_array( $post_data ) ) {
$file = $path = '';
$fileinfo = array();
// Check for thumbnail
if ( current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails' ) ) {
$thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id );
if ( 0 < $thumb_id ) {
$path = wp_upload_dir();
$file = get_post_meta( $thumb_id, '_wp_attached_file', true );
$fileinfo = pathinfo( $file );
include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php' ); //including the attachment function
// Create the post array
$new_post = array(
'post_title' => $post_data['post_title'],
'post_content' => $post_data['post_content'],
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_author' => $post_data['post_author'],
'post_excerpt' => $post_data['post_excerpt'],
'post_date' => $post_data['post_date'],
'post_type' => $post_data['post_type'],
'connected_type' => $post_connection ['connected_type'],
'connected_items' => $post_connection ['connected_items'],
// Create the connection part of the array
// 'p2p_id' => $post_connection['post_connection'],
I hope someone can help me!
Thanks in advance!
My Posts db table has an additional column ‘Coll01’ where I store a small string.
In the adminnistration side when I add a new article on the right column there are two boxes of Post2Post plugin. There I connect the “new artcle” with old articles. To find the old articles I have to enter part of their Title and Post2Post search and displays the titles of the articles that match the search string.
My question is, how to make Post2Post instead of searching the titles of the articles, to search in the column ‘Coll01’ and return as results the titles.
Thank you
]]>My Posts db table has an additional column ‘Coll01’ where I store a small string.
In the adminnistration side when I add a new article on the right column there are two boxes of Post2Post plugin. There I connect the “new artcle” with old articles. To find the old articles I have to enter part of their Title and Post2Post search and displays the titles of the articles that match the search string.
My question is, how to make Post2Post instead of searching the titles of the articles, to search in the column ‘Coll01’ and return as results the titles.
Thank you