I have tried disabling all plug ins, deactivating permalinks, and restoring wordpress core files. All of this has not fixed the problem.
]]>I downloaded the plugin in hopes of being able to easily bulk change my 600 pages with -word at the end. ie
However the plugin will only replace URLs within content. Oh well, maybe in the future? Also any recommendation on how to do this safely would be appreciated.
]]>First, I do understand that search engines (Google, anyway) ignores “stop words” in page titles… (and URLS?)
Currently I am working on a Word Press web site (with YOAST plug-in) – and my goal is to get a decent ranking for Sesame Oil and its health benefits.
Anyway, if I create a page with the title “Sesame Oil is Good For You”
WordPress will generate the page with this URL
If I then use the expression “Sesame Oil is Good For You” as the YOAST “Focus Word / Phrase” –
…YOAST will “mark me down” because the Focus Word / Phrase is not present in the page URL
So I am left wondering, what is best?
1) To manually change the page URL from to:
(So that YOAST is “more satisfied – the focus phrase is now in the page URL and we got green ink yay! – Or)
2) Keep stop words out of the page URL
(or this particular cost, anyway)
Thank you again for any help or advice!
Is this done by using the permalinks? And is this available for pages as well as posts?
if (is_home() && is_paged() == 0) { <–this seems fine
echo ‘var name=”Blog:Home”;’;
echo ‘var prop=”Home”;’;
elseif (is_paged() >= 1) {
echo ‘var name=”Blog:’ . get_page_link($page_id) . ‘”;’; <–oddly, this returns the first permalink
echo ‘var prop=”Browse”;’;
elseif (is_author()) { <–this seems fine
echo ‘var name=”Blog:’ . $mm_auth . ‘”;’;
echo ‘var prop=”‘ . $mm_auth . ‘”;’;
elseif (is_single()) { <–this seems fine
echo ‘var name=”Blog:’ . $author . ‘:’ . $post->post_title . ‘”;’;
echo ‘var prop=”‘ . $author . ‘”;’;
elseif (is_search()) { <–this seems fine
echo ‘var name=”Blog:Search:’ . $search . ‘”;’;
echo ‘var prop=”Search”;’;
elseif (is_month()) {
$month = get_month_link(”,”);
echo ‘var name=”Blog:’ . $month . ‘”;’; <–this returns wrong month url
echo ‘var prop=”Browse”;’;
else { ; }