We recently started using custom post types for certain category posts and found that the allowed HTML tags do not work for custom post types with GenerartePress theme. But it works fine with other themes and weirdly in the customizer of the GeneratePress theme.
The HTML tags do not work for custom type post:
HTML tags of excerpt working fine in customizer of GeneratePress theme for the same custom type post showing above:
Works fine with other theme:
Works fine for WordPress’s default post type with GeneratePress theme:
So seems GeneratePress theme might have different rules for showing custom post types or something else.
Can I have some help with showing HTML tags in excerpt of custom post types similarly like WordPress’s default post types and other themes?
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards
]]>So, insde your plugin settings as you can see that the turnstile is enabled on Login Pages:
But when using the Shortcode to add the login form (Doc: https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/documentation/shortcodes/page-shortcodes/#login) unfortunately the turnstile does not shows up. Check the screenshot below:
As you can see that no Turnstile shows up on these login forms and as a result when a user tries to login, it is throwing error satying that the user is not validataed as human.
Can you please take a look into it and let me know if you need more data.
]]>I’m switching to EventsPrime Business and have a question before starting the implementation. Currently, I’m using Paid Memberships Pro (PMP) and Events Manager Pro (EMP) to manage a specific functionality on my membership site, and I’d like to replicate it in EventsPrime.
Here’s what I need to implement:
Could you guide me on how to set up something similar in EventsPrime? Ideally, I’d like users with this membership to:
Thanks for your help!
]]>I just wanted to express my dissatisfaction with the level of support I get. I am supposed to have priority support, and it takes 24 hours for most tickets to be answered and then when they do, I respond back, and I must wait another 24 hours for yet another response which is extremely unfair. This is unacceptable and for the money you people charge for this plugin, it should be MUCH better than it is.
You don’t even have the MOST BASIC thing to work such as receipts as I need to pay an additional plugin fee for this which is also not working properly as this also has issues and I again must wait for support for that extra paid plugin that your staff recommended to use based on your website.? When using Your receipt system, it prints out the ENTIRE page!? This should be a simple included function to any website that excepts payments. Specially paying so much money for your plugin.
I also must install SO MANY add-on plugins to achieve my goals not to mention a lot of code recipes which really concerns me about breaking or causing issues when updates get done in the future.
If I would have known about all these issues and your priority support not being so much as a priority, I would have not asked my client to get this plugin.? I have spent so much time on this that there are still issues such as the Billing Fields are at very bottom of website and that area is even below the payment gateway which is very silly and looks terrible. Why on earth would the billing fields be put at the bottom of the sign up form below the terms and most importanly, even below choosing a payment gateway whcih should be the VERY LAST section, not the billing address and info.
Before I leave a review and start to look elsewhere, I thought I would send this in to see what you have to say.
]]>Please note that, I’ve change the wp-admin url using the option “Hide Backend”. Also for frontend buddypress members, the login form used by another pugin “Paid Membership Pro”.
One more thing is that, the onboard 2FA reset link sent to user email is working for default wordpress login form. But it’s not working with the “Paid Membership Pro” plugin’s login form. So can you please suggest for a solution?
]]>Can someone provide a code snippet or suggest another way I can remove these two lines from all membership checkout pages? I have several membership levels and I want to hide these two lines on all levels. See screenshot.
Thanks so much!
i’ve tried this with no luck at all.
My client has a current website I created a year ago with your plugin in the backend. We may be looking at Members paying a small fee to access certain information/videos etc. Currently ADMIN just ADD new Members for FREE and add them in MANUALLY.
We have NO registration form as yet required. BUT if they are going to look at PAID MEMBERSHIPS, then we would need a REgistration form.
Do you have a set Registration form? Can the fields be edited in the Registration form? Can we send a link to ONLY relevant people for that Registration form as we DON”T want that Registration form MADE available in GOOGLE Searches OR the public, ONLY sending that URL link to certain people that are INVITED to Register to become Members.
Does your plugin allow for yearly or monthly memberships ?
Can this be linked to Stripe or Paypal ?
Is there a particular REGISTRATION form that can be completed for this that ADMIN can send to particular customers they would like to join as MEMBER?
Do you have some documentation and instructions on this please?
Once the MEMBER logins via the domainname.com.au/login page (using your shortcode), I have set it so it auto redirects them to the domainname.com.au/membership-account/ page which has relevant Dashboard and PAGE links/videos that MEMBER can view.
I have the MEMBERS DASHBOARD on the left and “MEMBERSHIP TYPE/BILLING” and MY ACCOUNT on the right.
Do you have some sample sites or live sites that I can view so I can see how to make this page look MORE appealling for the MEMBERS area please? So I can redesign it to look nicer. But I need some ideas to see how others have done it etc.
Thanks in advance for your help