I have found that whatever I type in the WYSIWYG field, all paragraph tags and line breaks are stripped after saving the custom post. So after pulling the content into the dynamic element it all becomes one long line of text.
A lot of users seem to have this problem. See:
The only solution I’ve found so far is installing Advanced Editor plugin (formerly known as TinyMCE editor if I’m right) and turn this advanced setting for the classic editor on: “Keep paragraph tags in the Classic block and the Classic Editor Stop removing <p> and <br> tags in the Classic Editor and show them in the Text tab.
Is there a way to achieve this without having to install an extra plugin?
]]>1.I use in wpbakery classic mode, it works
2.I use in woocommerce product description, it works
3.When i use two shortcodes one after the other, such as
[include-page id=”123″]
[include-page id=”124″]
Each shortcode added paragraph tag <p></p>in web page.
How can i change paragraph tag <p> to line break <br>
post content WP 4.7.3
<div><img src="/wp-content/uploads/example.jpg" alt="something" /><div>Something</div></div>
generated markup – note wrong </p> after <img>
<div><img src="/wp-content/uploads/example.jpg" alt="something" /></p>
]]>i’m trying to migrate my content to another (non-wordpress) site.
]]>I have simplified my problem down to this.
<pre class="inline"><code>git rebase origin/develop</code></pre>
<span> gets the latest from origin/develop and applies it to your local branch</span></div>
When I add that to my post editor it all displays correctly assuming I have disabled wpautop() UNTIL I ‘Save Draft’. As soon as I save my draft, it adds <p> tags!
I’ve tried everything I can think of to prevent it, but nothing is working.
Any thoughts? Please help.
]]>Typically when I am editing using the visual editor and I hit enter I can generate a space between paragraphs. Since the most recent update, it does not appear to be doing that. I just get the following:
<div>Since this winter has trapped me inside my home office for much longer than I anticipated, it has become the latest room I'm working on designing. The main rooms in the house are staying fairly neutral, but I want to do something really bold in the home office. It resides on the north side of the house, and as the horrid Boston winter of 2015 has shown me, this room can be rather bleak during the dark days of winter in New England.</div>
The “div” doesn’t actually provide a line break thought as you can see, Example Post. When I edit the text directly with paragraph markups or even a break, it ignores/deletes it.
Any suggestions?
Example of what I get visually:
<p style="text-align: justify;">Maribor, le 26 septembre (Agence STA) – Les investisseurs chinois, qui avaient annoncé il y a quelque temps l’installation d’une usine de fabrication de batteries à Maribor, sont sur le point, semble t-il, de passer concrètement à l’action. La société Shihlien Apes...
When I deactivate Exed this bug disappears.
Looking at the sources of the post one can see that strangely the Exed code mixes up with WP code.
See, the source code of the snippet below:
<section class="entry-content ">
<<strong><span class="explanatory-dictionary-highlight" data-definition="explanatory-dictionary-definition-10009"></span></strong>p style="text-align: justify;">Maribor, le 26 septembre
Do you know please why this app’s code gets inside the paragraph tag and messes it up?
In advance, thank you for your kind answer.
Here’s the website url https://sloveniabusinesschannel.com/V0/2014/09/26/les-investisseurs-taiwanais-recherchent-52-ouvriers-pour-demarrer-la-production-de-lusine-de-batteries-de-maribor/