Code section follows
/*parallax scolling*/
var at_scrollTop_fix = 1;
top_header_height = 68;
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $( $.attr(this, 'href') ).offset().top-$('.at-navbar').height() - top_header_height
}, 1000);
/*bootstrap sroolpy*/
$("body").scrollspy({target: ".navbar-fixed-top", offset: $('.at-navbar').height()+50 } );
function mercantile_parallax_fixed(){
var is_iPad = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null;
if ( is_iPad ){
jQuery('.at-parallax,.inner-main-title').each(function() {
if ($(window).width() > 767) {
jQuery('.at-parallax,.inner-main-title').each(function() {
jQuery(this).parallax('center', 0.2, true);
jQuery('.at-parallax,.inner-main-title').each(function() {
// disable skrollr if the window is resized below 768px wide
$(window).on('resize', function () {
]]>Does Customizr – free and pro – support that feature?
]]>I am trying to achieve a vertical parallax scrolling sidebar where the image slowly moves in the background, responsive to scrolling.
When the user scrolls down the page, I would like the sidebar image to move at a slower pace.
I have implemented a plugin however the menu moved instead of the image.
I didn’t know if you knew of a plugin that implements javascript to create this effect?
]]>I am working on a website. It looks great on the desktop, but once it goes to mobile, the parallax scrolling effect is changed. All of the images repeat themselves on the mobile and tablet versions of the website, but I’d like them to be fixed in place with no repeat. I have tried using some of the code I have found through Google, but nothing seems to be working.
Thanks for the help.
]]>I’m pulling my hair out trying to find a good multi-layer scrolling parallax plugin to achieve the following effect (although vertical rather than horizontal scrolling):
Importantly, I want the top layers to be moving faster than the background layer and respond to scrolling not the mouse. I have Revolution Slider, which I can easily do the opposite, so that the png layers in the foreground move slower than the background and respond to the mouse pointer location, but I can’t find a plug-in which offers the scrolling effect, where it is the background which moves slower.
I’m not a coder or developer, I’m just trying to mock something up.
Please help!
]]>I want to create a parallax effect for the header image of the site
The Theme I’m using is a child-theme of the theme named Oblique.
First I got a solution for this problem with the plugin “Super Simple jQuery Parallax Background” but after an update it doesn’t work anymore. I delete and installed the plugin again, but that doesn’t fix it.
Can anybody help me with this?
I’m glad about your answers.