Under the Property features, this particular property ONLY has 2 garages. The “Carport” and “Open Parking Spaces” fields has “0” In the listing BackOffice under the House Features section.
I am using the DIVI theme and Child Theme.
Please assist as I don’t know where to adjust the listing to reflect “0” Parking Spaces…
]]>What plugin (not only freen) can I use?
Thanks to all!
WordPress Multisite has been installed in example.com as a subdomain install and this plug-in has been installed and configured.
The domain mapping plug-in does not allow domains to be mapped to site 1, so it’s not possible to add ‘example.co.uk’ as being mapped to site ID 1.
Is there any way to get example.co.uk to map to example.com when example.com is the parent of a multisite network?
From reading these forums the answer seems to be either ‘no’ or to use “define( ‘NOBLOGREDIRECT’, ‘https://www.example.co.uk’ );” in wp-config.php – which we could not get to work. Maybe we missed a step.
Is there something clever we can do with setting redirects in cpanel, editing zone files, or perhaps something else entirely we can do to achieve this?
It seems very typical for an organisation to want a parent site that has a couple of top-level domains pointing to the same place. I look foward to finding out just how easy it is when you know how.
]]>used simplescripts to install wordpress to https://safariphoto.net/wp; got a new domain and its parked now as https://azbabies.net; all was working but all the links in wordpress showed the old domain. so i messed with the settings for “wordpress address URL” “website address URL” and now the images are all messed up. I’ve checked the settings in simplescripts/Cpanel and wp and everything seems fine.
I tried searching the forums and was confused.
Please Help
]]>Now I want to configure my new website. But when I want to acces the admin of WordPress through Simple Scripts, it brings me to my wordpress.com dashboard, where I have my blog!!
So, I unlogged, then I made a new wordpress.com registration with no blog.
I don’t find the dashboard www.ads-software.com of my new website!
If I want to add a blog, then it is a wordpress.com blog!
So, my question is : why is www.ads-software.com directs me to wordpress.com??
How can I find my website dashboard? Or is it a legend and there is no dashboard?
Please, reply because I am really stocked here!!
Thank you very much!