The application Unknown application/component encountered an error
Please report the following error to MailPoet support
TypeError: Ie(...)(...).parsley is not a function
File name: No fileName reported
Stack trace: TypeError: Ie(...)(...).parsley is not a function
at Qa.componentDidMount (
at zc (
at fc (
at Mc (
at hA (
at iA (
at Io (
at sA (
]]>How can I do that?
]]>How do I completely disable the JavaScript validation on the front-end side? I’m using ParsleyJS on site-wide and I don’t want to use another validation.
]]>Everything (WP, plugins, theme) is up-to-date.
Here is how it works:
– Let’s say I am selecting a language called zh_TW in WordPress
Open new window for screenshot.
– During the loading of the page, if you set a breakpoint in this line, the first loop will be ‘en’.
Open new window for screenshot.
– 2nd loop, it is ‘zh-tw’.
Open new window for screenshot.
– 3rd loop (weird!), it is ‘zh_TW’.
Open new window for screenshot.
– Since in the catalog array there is only zh-tw but no zh_TW, catalog cannot be found and an error is thrown.
Open new window for screenshot.
– Thrown error:
Open new window for screenshot.
The key here is that, Parsley is NOT WordPress Friendly. Parsley is using their own language naming system while WP is using another, so the language is not loaded.
Currently I am adding extra code in plugins/caldera-forms/classes/render/assets.php to solve this problem. But when CF is updated, my changes is overwritten.
This is a serious bug. All language with ‘_’ (underscore) will be affected.
Please fix this issue ASAP.
Thank you very much for your help.
]]>/mailpoet/assets/js/ Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404
I touched a blank file in the expected location for now. Understood parsley is analytics code. Will create a topic / support question if I find analytics issues after sending.
Thank you for making MailPoet available.
]]> window.Parsley.on('form:error', function() {
//my code here
Please let me know if you need more information.
Thank you,
Uncaught ReferenceError: Parsley is not defined at it.js:4.
Thank you.
]]>I’m french and i would like to translate the parsley validation form because all fields and message are translated except errors messages linked to required fields.
I’m using the free version of your plugin.
I added the “fr.js” from the i18n folder of parsley but i received an error to use it. The error is on line 65 from “jquery.usp.core.js” file, it say that this following function is undefined : $.listen(‘parsley:field:validate’, function().
Sorry for my bad english,
Thank you,