i need help about removing that button under the users button , i check that plugin exist for download but in plugin folder is not exist
is it per-build option with last update or… ?
please for help
]]>I noticed that one of the blocked IPs is getting blocked and passed at the time in Settings > Security by CT > Security Log: https://ibb.co/XY5j97W
Is it actually blocked or is it passed?
Looking forward hearing from you!
]]>I’ve made a custom My Account page, custom Login/Register page and a custom Forgotten password/Password Reset page.
Currently, the “Forgot Password?” link leads to /wp-login.php?action=lostpassword&redirect_to. Is there a way I could directly change the link where the button leads to (without using redirect)?
Kind regards
]]>I just want to check, if in my posts (courses) the field year_for_sorting has always the same content, or not. If it has at least two different values, I want to add a headline in a following function. Everything seems to work fine, except the if-condition:
[set last]0[/set]
[set mtocount]0[/set]
[loop type=courses orderby=year_for_sorting]
[set new][field year_for_sorting][/set]
[pass vars]
[if var=new not value='{LAST}']
[set mtocount][calc]mtocount+1[/calc][/set]
[set last][field year_for_sorting][/set]
The variable mtcount will be used later, to show the headlines, if its value is higher than 1.
Do you see any mistake?
]]>I’m calculating the difference between two fields (that part works great), but then if the result is greater than zero I’d like to also display the word “INCREASE” otherwise display “DECREASE”
Here’s my calculated field by itself:
[calc][field current_observation_value]-[field prior_observation_value][/calc]
(the result is 7.918)
And here’s where I tried also do the compare:
[set dif][calc][field current_observation_value]-[field prior_observation_value][/calc][/set]
[get dif]
[pass field=dif]
[if pass={dif} compare=more value=0]
(I get the else result every time)
Any help you could provide would be appreciated! Thanks!
]]>If a user points is equal or greater than 30 then display a certain page.
If a user points is less than 30 then display another page.
Whenever I test the quiz to try and get the pages to show for either above 30 (pass page) or below 30 (fail page) it doesn’t work.
Only one page shows, so if I score 33 points it points to the failed results page that has a variable of less than 30. I don’t know how to fix this.