1. I have a form that gives logged in users a CRM tag and wordpress role, based on checkboxes they select or deselect. This form is located in a tab on their user profile page. After a user submits this form, I would like this form to remember and show the submitted options the next time they open it, rather than appearing in a refreshed state.
2. I have a form that contains nothing but a password field. I created an Uncanny Automator recipe that gives logged in users as special role when they submit a specific word into that password field.
How can I set up the form to decline submissions for everyone who types anything but that specific word? Ideally I would change the declined message to “access denied”.
How can I achieve these two goals with fluent forms?
]]>We still need the single sign-on feature to work and be able to grab passwords from that field, but the issue that it won’t pass compliance if the password is visible in a text field.
Any recommendations are appreciated!
]]>Just want to say great plugin, works very well. But just come to one issue probably just me not knowing where the option is for it. But I can’t seem to find the Password filed as described in the plugin description.
Would appreciate help with this one cheers,
]]>I am using only one social login on my site. Since its a social login, I don’t want to give the user option to reset password on edit profile page. So I want to hide the Password field, currently there is no option for the same.
Instead I can also display it as non-editable like the Username field.
Is either a possibility?
The user is entered by the site-admin.
But now the mail doesn’t contain the password anymore. Only the word [password].
Could you advise me how to send an email to the user – how will the user know his/her password?
Thanks a lot!