We’re using Woocommerce subscriptions to sell digital memberships. We’re using Mollie as our payment gateway.
We notice that new subscriptions are not being processed properly. The memberships seem to be active as the user has access to the membership-content, but the subscription status is still “Pending”, even though the payment has been received.
We can change the status to “Active” manually, but this is something that should work automatically if I’m not mistaken.
I already checked with Mollie. Everything works fine on their end, the webhooks are all called correctly.
Any idea how to fix this?
]]>I’ve already found the filter woocommerce_gzd_disable_gateways_paid_order_email, but that only applies to payment gateways. How can I disable these emails if no payment gateway was selected (due to the order being free)?
]]> How do I get the amount (only) of the latest payment received?
When I made entered the payment received as 70 in admin :
In ‘Invoice Paid Notification‘ :
[payment_total] gives me 1st payment made to the invoice i.e. ?50.00 AND
[invoice_payments_list] gives me “Admin Payment: ?70.00 on August 29, 2019\n” Email received
In ‘Payment Received Notification‘ :
[payment_total] gives me latest payment made to the invoice i.e. ?70.00 Email received
I dont understand how a same shortcode gives different value at diff places.
Please, tell if I am getting wrong.
As a seller, this error displays on the website.
but the payment gateway send a transaction successful email to me as well.
Also as a customer i do receive an email confirming my order.
Please help