]]>I am learning how to use Sell Downloads plugin, and my question maybe should be directed to PayPal.
I wonder if it is possible to let customers use Credit/Debit cards without requiring them to open a PayPal account? I believe many of my potential customers will go away if they can not just supply their card information and then get the download.
]]>Thank you for all the customization options in this plug-in. I have been able to make two forms work successfully, both located on this page:
However one other form I created simply brings me to the Paypal homepage rather than displaying a Purchase page for my business with the customized options:
Within the Form Preview, it functions correctly, but it does not do so live on the site. I have the amount set in USD, have the same email address entered for all three forms. All the settings among the three forms look the same as far as I can see — I even turned off the font styling for the faulty one to see if that made a difference. Thanks for your help!
]]>When a user pays by credit card instead of by using a PayPal account, once they are taken back to WordPress to confirm their purchase, Marketpress displays an order summary and then says:
Please confirm your final payment for this order totaling $xx.xx. It will be made via your “<user email address>” PayPal account.
This is very confusing to the user who hasn’t got a PayPal account and didn’t intend to set one up, and results in some order abandonment.
The statement is hard-coded into the file wp-content/plugins/wordpress-ecommerce/marketpress-includes/plugins-gateway/paypal-express.php on line 301:
$content .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('Please confirm your final payment for this order totaling %s. It will be made via your "%s" PayPal account.', 'mp'), $mp->format_currency('', $_SESSION['final_amt']), $account_name) . '</p>';
I did a temporary workaround by using the following line of code, which eliminates the last sentence about the PayPal account on the confirmation page in case anyone else might want to fix it on their site:
$content .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('Please confirm your final payment for this order totaling %s.', 'mp'), $mp->format_currency('', $_SESSION['final_amt'])) . '</p>';
It would be great if this could be fixed in a future version.
]]>i just activated the woocommerce plugin in my website and added some products,i also chose the paypal as a way of payment, the problem is that now i dont know where to put my paypal account in order to receive the money after someone buys my products online.
could you help me please?
thanks a lot