My question: because PayPal has been updating their services should I:
Thanks all for your advice :/
]]>Thank you.
Simone M.
]]>i have a several problems with the implementation of paypal plus and paypal express checkout.
1. the paypal plus plugin is working, but at checkout the selection between paypal, creditcard, sepa is not visible until i check another box like stripe or bank transfer and go back to the paypal plus check box.
2. when activating the paypal express checkout button, adding a product to cart and click on it, i get routed to the paypal modal to login with my credentials. after that i finished the paypal process and get routed to my user-login. then i have to provide the addresses and on last step there will be only one check box with paypal express chkout, accept t&c and click on buying. is so clumpsy. it should work that after providing my paypal credentials just to chk t&c and buy
thanks for support.
]]>Shop – is ok. I click product and buy. I add product to basket and here is the issue. The basket shows the product but the ‘update’ button doesn’t work. Also the paypal express checkout button is not longer there nor is the ‘proceed to checkout button’.
Any idea on how to fix this?
]]>I ONLY allow purchases from the United States, however people from all over the world can still see the paypal express button on the cart page and they are still able to make purchases
Is there a way I can restrict this button from appearing on the site if they are not in the accepted woocommerce location?
]]>Attempting to checkout with Paypal Express I am returned to the checkout page, click to Complete Payment, and then get the error: Express Checkout PayerID is missing.
The developers suggest excluding checkout pages from Wordfence cache.
I have tried Cache Exclusions:
If the URL contains (without quotes): “/archives/category/PMProSection” then don’t cache it.
If the URL contains (without quotes): “/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=ipnhandler” then don’t cache it.
If the URL contains (without quotes): “/membership-account/membership-checkout?level=2″ then don’t cache it.
If the URL contains (without quotes): “/membership-account/membership-checkout” then don’t cache it.
If the URL contains (without quotes): “membership-account” then don’t cache it.
But the issue persists. Any ideas?