Looking for guidance from those who have successfully expanded payment options on Tripzzy. Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Wtyczka nie mog?a zosta? w??czona, poniewa? spowodowa?a wyst?pienie?krytycznego b??du.
Co mo?e by? powodem?
]]>The window and payment method do not open. I have a payment page built. Any help? What should I do to be able to make the payment?
Can you please check and confirm.
Below is the link i found similar to my case https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/order-failed-even-after-successful-payment-in-payu-plugin/
]]>Zainstalowa?em wtyczk?, uruchomi?em p?atno?ci cykliczne na moim koncie payU, ale nie wiem co dalej. Mam zianstalowan? wtyczk? woocommerce subscriptions, tyle ?e nie widz? sposobu, aby obie te wtyczki zintegrowa?. Czy to jest w ogóle mo?liwe?
]]>Pytanie dotyczy wtyczki PayU dostarczonej przez dostawc?
]]>Till the issue is not resolved , they don’t leave you. Very ethical and quick.
This product can be the game changer in the payment gateway ecosystem.
]]>After updating the woocommerce recently what happening is-
customer are able to purchase product but its showing order failed just after the payment being done. Admin is receiving two emails, one is from payment gateway saying Payment received successfully another email is from Woocommerce saying order failed. This is happening without any reason. It’s just happening like that only. I have contacted my hosting and payment gateway already but found no sign of fault on both the ends. Even my developer is unable to fins any issue as all seems good. And therefore, you guys are my final hope to get this resolved.
Can you please check and confirm.