Ps I don′t have any programming background
Please help, i don′t have any programming background
Please explain to me if it is possible to choose which Invoice I would like to print?
I have different invoices for different types of customers. I want to print a CUSTOMER INVOICE or DEALER INVOICE. Is it possible that both types of invoices display on the orders page to be chosen from the right side?
Thank you!
]]>This prevents errors with newer versions of the PDF Invoice plugin.
If there are any questions, please let me know, it’d be great if you can merge this so that it works with the latest version refunds are supported too. Currently it gives a fatal error if legacy mode is not enabled (which it won’t be for new installs…)
if ( ! class_exists( 'TCPDF' ) )
require_once WPPTOPDFENH_PATH . '/tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
to “woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packingslips.php” file but not do any thing
any idea ?