I checked other sites on our install and haven’t found any other instances of orders being stuck in the Pending Payment status yet – it seems to be limited to this one store. I made sure to check other stores using the same payment provider as well and I do see successfully cancelled orders due to declined payment.
I can’t figure out why this would be happening or even where to look to try and find out so I can address it. I’m trying to get the logs from the status to attached but keep timing out. I’ll attach when I’m able.
]]>I have an issue with WooPayments.
Occasionally ( 1 in 20 orders approximately) are being authorized, but not captured. The order is set as Pending Payment, and according to Woopayments the order has been Authorized for payment, but no payment is captured.
When I asked the customers, they just said it wouldn’t work when they tried to purchase, and naturally they are not invested in solving my website problems (fair enough), so I haven’t been able to observe the error in real time.
This is only happening with Woopayments, not with Paypal payments. No obvious errors are occurring, and its only occasionally.
]]>When the user requests the quote, WooCommerce marks a sale, so the sales analytics show all products as sales. It should be as “Pending Payment” instead (by default) and then, when the client pays, we should change the status to processing and completed. This issue makes the WooCommerce analytics useless. Any idea of how to set this up?
]]>I sell digital downloads only. I have tried few different ways to get this fixed, so the last option is to make a clean install the whole thing.
Here’s my WC report
Pending payments:
]]>Some of my users are being kicked off at payment stage and then the order status is pending payment and it stays that way. It doesnt happen all the time so its hard to track the error. I had posted about this a few days ago, and said we use Realex payments but it is actually Woocommerce Global Payments Gateway we use.
Can someone help?
]]>Some of my users are being kicked off at payment stage and then the order status is pending payment and it stays that way. We use Realex payments.
Has anyone experienced this before?
]]>I have a GiveWP set up with Stripe integration.
After every donation is received, my donations obtain a pending status. As I understand it the only way I can change these donations to a complete status is to go into the donations section of WordPress and update the status manually. Changing the status to complete is then what triggers the email receipt to the donor.
I would like the receipt to be sent via email upon payment. Not after I manually change the pending status to complete. Is this possible?
It seems manual intensive to process a receipt for every donation.
]]>I logged into our site as a member to make test payments (with a real credit card and real money) to test the set up on our site. When selecting “Wallet Topup” to add balance to the wallet, all goes well, after entering the topup amount, I get redirected to the payment page of our payment gateway, I can pay successfully but in my wallet, nothing is visible.
When logging in as admin and going to the admin page in WooCommerce, I can see the order but the status remains pending. When I manually complete the order, it is still not shown in the wallet’s balance on the member’s account. As member I can open my orders in the member dashboard and there I do see the order as completed once I manually completed it as admin, but the money/credit is not added to the balance.
The only way to get the money/credit in the member’s wallet, is to manually add credit to the member’s wallet as admin. Most members won’t accept this and it will cause lots of frustration and mistrust from members.
We are using CCBill as payment gateway. The CCBill plugin and WooCommerce are set up the same way as on our other sites where payments all work well. I have contacted CCBill support and they said the payment notification is send back to the site correctly with code 200. But for some reason, all transactions remain pending in TerraWallet / Woocommerce.
Do you have any idea how to solve this?
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards